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23rd Annual National Aging and Disability Information and Referral Symposium

AIRS 2013 Conference: Blazing the Trail in I&R

Portland, Oregon - June 2-5, 2013

The National Aging I&R/A Support Center held the 23rd Annual National Aging Information and Referral Symposium in conjunction with the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems’ (AIRS) 2013 I&R/A Conference in Portland, Oregon, June 2-5, 2013.

Click here to view the full 2013 AIRS Conference program

Sponsor: National I&R/A Support Center at ADvancing States

Co-Sponsors: U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (N4a)

For over twenty years, the ADvancing States has convened the national symposium to support the professional development of state and local Information and Referral, ADRC, CIL and SHIP staff within the aging and disability network. Working with outstanding partners, the Alliance for Information and Referral Systems (AIRS), the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL), and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), the symposium offers comprehensive, cutting edge learning opportunities to improve Information and Referral program development, services to consumers, and staff development.

The National Aging and Disability I&R/A Summit

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Aging and disability professionals in I&R/A were invited to join the ADvancing States (ADvancing States') National I&R/A Support Center, the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL), and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) for a lively and thought-provoking day of interactive events and discussion with I&R/A and national association professionals prior to the start of the AIRS Conference.

The Summit included:

  • A networking breakfast at which you can catch up with your national Aging and Disability I&R/A counterparts and mingle with staff from ACL, ADvancing States and n4a.
  • A discussion focused on state-to-state interaction and technical assistance where participants will share their experiences and ask questions about current trends, new initiatives and upcoming national events in I&R/A service delivery.
  • The kick-off of the National I&R/A Support Center's Train-the-Trainer Initiative for the National coordination of CIRS-A (Certification for I&R Specialists in Aging) and Aging/Disability-related CRS (Certification for Resource Specialists) training. Participants will provide feedback to Support Center staff on the new national initiative and prepare to become trainers for AIRS Certification.

Aging and Disability Track Sessions

The sessions on this track were geared towards issues concerning the provision of I&R/I&A to older adults and persons with disabilities, and their caregivers. However, there may be sessions here of interest to people working in other areas of I&R.

Monday, June 3, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

A-1: Updates on the Latest National News in Aging and Disability: ACL, n4a, and ADvancing States

Attendees will review and discuss the latest updates from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living (ACL); ADvancing States; and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a). A broad range of topics will be discussed to give supervisors and front line staff of state and local agencies for aging and disability a comprehensive review of current trends in Care Transitions, Eldercare Locator, innovative models for the delivery of I&R/A and the latest updates on the Affordable Care Act.

Sherri Clark, Administration for Community Living (ACL), Washington, DC; Martha Roherty, ADvancing States, Washington, DC; Sandy Markwood, n4a, Washington, DC

Administration on Community Living Presentation

ADvancing States and n4a Presentation

A-2: Community Options for Seniors: PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) and Transition Services, Special Needs Resources

This workshop is for individuals who work with seniors and need to better understand the community options available to appropriately refer people who call for help. PACE is a national model of care that integrates health services, long term care and public financing. Providence ElderPlace is the local PACE option in Portland. Learn who is eligible for PACE, how to identify if there is a PACE program in your community and how to refer individuals who may benefit from this model of care. The workshop will also show how the local Medicaid office in Portland (Multnomah County) works with the PACE program to move clients back to and keep them stable in the community. We will provide stories of client successes with the PACE model and how their lives have changed after moving from the acute care setting.

Jeannie Frederick, Providence ElderPlace, Portland, Oregon; Jody Michaelson, Aging & Disability Services, Portland, Oregon; Katie Mesirow, Aging & Disability Services, Portland, Oregon


Monday, June 3, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

A-3: Impact of Caring for People with Disabilities and Dementia: Preventing Family Caregiver Burnout

Whether caring for someone with a physical disability or someone who has Alzheimer’s disease/dementia, a challenge to family caregivers is taking care of themselves. The speaker will address factors that place family caregivers at higher risk for burnout, strategies that mediate caregiver stress and burnout, professional messages that can make a positive difference, resources that support family caregivers, and research findings about respite and other family caregiver-based programs.

Vicki L. Schmall, Aging Concerns, West Linn, Oregon


A-4: The Affordable Care Act: The Current State of the States

In June 2012, the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This workshop examines key provisions of ACA as it relates to older adults and younger adults with disabilities. We’ll review Medicaid expansion, care coordination for individuals dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, and how the Health Insurance Exchanges will work, including what open enrollment may look like in October and what consumer assistance will be available in each state.

Leslie Fried, National Council on Aging, Washington, DC


Monday, June 3, 3:15 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

A-5: Aging & Disability Resource Centers: Change – Resilience – Sustainability

State and local ADRC pilot site representatives from Oregon and Washington (ACL ADRC Enhanced Options Counseling Part A grantees), will share their experiences, lessons learned and plans for ADRC sustainability. This facilitated panel discussion will reveal challenges, surprises, advice and plans for the future. It will be followed by an opportunity for audience questions, input and discussion. Current and anticipated ADRC staff, as well as partners in collaborating I&Rs including the military, will be able to apply state and local experiences to their own unique situations.

Susan Shepherd, Washington State Department of Social & Health Services, Lacey, Washington; Nakeshia Knight-Coyle, State of Oregon Department of Human Services, Salem, Oregon; Marietta Bobba, Washington State Department of Social & Health Services, Lacey, Washington; Corrie Blythe, Southeast Washington Aging & Long Term Care, Yakima, Washington; Paul Calta, Pierce County Community Connections, Tacoma, Washington; Lee Girard, Multnomah County Aging & Disability Services Division, Portland, Oregon; Beth Jackson, NorthWest Senior and Disability Services, Salem, Oregon.

A-6: Understanding the Unique Challenges Faced by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Older Adults

As they age, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older adults face a host of unique challenges. This workshop will provide background and insight on how the aging process is different for LGBT individuals. This workshop will feature a panel of three LGBT older adults who will share their experiences on issues such as discrimination in housing and health care, the higher level of homophobia they grew up with, fears LGBT elders have about moving into senior living facilities, fears LGBT elders have about coming out to service providers, the challenges that transgender elders have that are different than LGBT elders, and the health disparities present in this population.

Lauren Fontanarosa, Friendly House, Portland, Oregon plus three members of the Gay & Grey Speakers Bureau


Tuesday, June 4, 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

A-7: Mission Accessible: Disability Rights and Culture 101

This workshop includes an overview of the history of disability rights, disability rights laws and the most important keys to a better understanding of how to work with people with disabilities. Learn key elements of disability culture and best practices for callers with disabilities.

Bob Joondeph, Disability Rights Oregon, Portland, Oregon

Presentation 1

Presentation 2

A-8: Navigating the Road of Transportation Options How does a caller seeking transportation options get routed through an I&R/A network?

What if there is more than one access point? How are communities ensuring that efforts are not duplicative and that callers are getting the level of support appropriate to their need? This informationpacked session will cover a range of mobility management initiatives and potential network partners via a panel representing national, local Aging I&R/A and ADRC, 211, One-Call, One Click and transportation options counseling perspectives in both rural and urban communities. A group activity will leave participants thinking about immediate and long-term improvements that can be made in the delivery of transportation I&R/A in their own communities.

Lynn Winchell-Mendy, n4a/NCST, Washington, DC; Patrice Earnest, Atlanta Regional Commission, Atlanta , Georgia; Dionne Armon, Community Council of Greater Dallas/211 Texas, Dallas, Texas; Angela Brown, n4a, Washington, DC; Ken Thompson, Easter Seals Project Action, Washington, DC; Janis Keith, Mid-East Area Agency on Aging, Manchester, Missouri


Tuesday, June 4, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

A-9: Implementing a Statewide ADRC Care Transitions Program: Tips and Toolkit

The Washington State Unit on Aging (Aging and Disability Services) has led the way in pro-active and innovative implementation of a statewide Care Transitions Intervention (CTI) program which grew out of the ADRC Evidence-Based Care Transitions Program grant. This presentation will address steps the State Agency took to align key partners, resource statewide CTI training and support AAA’s in developing effective local relationships with medical providers. Successful achievement of quantitative outcomes to reduce readmissions and other high cost medical utilization will be discussed. Presenters will provide a virtual fieldtrip of the online Aging and Disability Services CTI Implementation Toolkit. Participants will view customizable protocols for coach selection and orientation, templates for referral processes, data collection and other on-theground tools. The intended audience should be familiar with basic care transitions improvement concepts and the Eric Coleman Care Transitions Intervention Model. Both line staff with client contact and supervisory/leadership staff managing care transitions programs are appropriate audiences.

Susan Shepherd, Washington State Department of Social & Health Services, Lacey, Washington; Selena Bolotin, Qualis Health (QIO), Seattle, Washington; Rebecca Sandall, Qualis Health (QIO), Seattle, Washington

Washington State's Community Living Connections Care Transition Program Presentation

Qualis Health: Get Started Implementing the Care Transitions Invervention in Your Community

Qualis Health: Quality Improvement Organizations

Tuesday, June 4 , 12:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Vicki Schmall, PhD, Executive Director and Gerontology & Training Specialist with Aging Concerns Aging and Disability Luncheon, Plenary Speech: Compassion Fatigue and Tips for Tackling Caregiver Stress

Dr. Schmall is Executive Director and Gerontology & Training Specialist with Aging Concerns in West Linn, Oregon. She is also Professor Emeritus of Oregon State University (OSU) where she worked for twenty-five years, serving as the Director of the OSU Program on Gerontology and the Gerontology Specialist in the OSU Extension Service. Dr. Schmall developed “Powerful Tools for Caregiving”, an intensive training program for family caregivers to older adults, for Legacy Health System. The program, which is currently in thirty-two states and overseas, enhances caregivers’ self-efficacy and self-care.

Dr. Schmall is lead author of the book, “The Caregiver Helpbook: Powerful Tools for Caregiving.” She also produced a video, “The Many Faces of Caregiving”, which illustrates the diversity and impact of family caregiving. Her areas of expertise include family decision-making and caregiving in later life, aging and health-related changes-physical, family communication and caregiving issues (including Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias), mental health issues, sensitivity training on aging-related changes, learning and memory in later life, late-life sexuality and curriculum design and training. Dr. Schmall has conducted over 900 workshops for taff, families, older adults and professionals throughout the United States, Canada, Guam and Thailand.

Sponsored By: The National Aging and Disability I&R/A Support Center and the National Association of State United for Aging and Disabilities (ADvancing States) National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) U.S. Administration on Aging

Notes from the presentation

Tuesday, June 4, 2:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

A-10: ADRC Options Counselor Collaborations with Medicare Counselors to Provide Medicare Information and Assistance via SHIP (in NW a.k.a. SHIBA): Roles, Opportunities and Collaborative Cross Training to Assist Aging Adults, Caregivers, Veterans and Families

Medicare can be confusing and 211s, Aging and Disability Resource Centers and anyone with a heart for aging adults needs an authoritative I&A resource to help with federal insurance! Improve your Medicare vocabulary with the A, B, C and Ds of Medicare, and the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. Learn about the roles and responsibilities of ADRC’s and cross-training in Medicare in Oregon and Alaska. Hear about the ways that SHIPs/SHIBAs provide counseling to beneficiaries, caregivers, families, veterans and retired military. Compare that to the roles and responsibilities of State Health Insurance Program (SHIPs/SHIBAs). See the similarities between the I&R function of the ADRC and the I&R, I&A, counseling and indepth problem-solving role of the SHIPs/SHIBAs. Get a glimpse of a smooth transition between ADRC and SHIP and from SHIP to ADRC as well as cross-training opportunities that make navigation easier for aging Americans. We’ll encourage brainstorming to identify specific steps on building partnerships for successful program implementation.

Cynthia Hylton, Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) Program, Oregon Insurance Division, Salem, Oregon; Judith Bendersky, Medicare Information Office (Alaska SHIP/SMP), Alaska Dept. of Health & Social Services, Anchorage, Alaska


A-11: Serving Hard-to-Reach Populations: Improving Cultural Competency, Outreach and Service Access

This session focuses on cultural competency, outreach to vulnerable older adults, and increasing awareness of the growing demographics of seniors in the following populations: African American, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino American, Native American, Pacific Islander, LGBT, and refugee communities. Presenters will discuss the responsibility of I&R/A professionals to exhibit cultural competency in interactions with all seniors, especially members of non-traditional communities, the importance of engaging specialized service providers/advisors who are also members of non-traditional communities, and methods for increasing service access to vulnerable seniors. A presenter from Colorado’s Refugee Services Program will review a grant used to coordinate outreach and service access to vulnerable older refugees. Learn how this grant has assisted in outreach to some of the most socially isolated and vulnerable older adults in the region.

Nicole Hartog, Denver Regional Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging, Denver, Colorado; Michael Styles, State Division Aging and Adult Services, Salt Lake City, Utah


Wednesday, June 5, 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

A-12: I&R and Options Counselors Panel Discussion: Federal, State and Local Perspectives

This panel will provide attendees of all levels with a unique opportunity to hear national, state and local perspectives on the changes occurring nationwide with the expansion of ADRCs, rollout of the Options Counseling Standards, and blending traditional I&R services with new initiatives. Hear promising practices from 2012 ADRC grantees that have made headway on implementing changes, and participate in the discussion on how to stay on the cutting edge of I&R. Panelists from the national, state and local levels will reflect on questions from the moderator and attendees will have time for Q&A throughout the panel discussion.

Joseph Lugo, Administration on Community Living, Washington, DC; Sara Tribe, ADvancing States, Washington, DC; Barbara Diehl, Prince William Area Agency on Aging, Woodbridge, Virginia; Maureen Strickland, Office for Resource Center Development, Madison, Wisconsin


A-13: What You Should Know About Social Security Disability and Medicare: A Guide Through the SSDI Application Process and the Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program and National Mail Order Program for Diabetic Testing Supplies

As Social Security is closing offices and reducing public access, demand for information about SSDI is growing. One of the benefits of SSDI is Medicare eligibility. Medicare is instituting new programs regarding access to and costs of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies. This presentation will benefit those who serve the disability and chronic illness community, both on the front lines and in administration, who receive inquiries about SSI, SSDI and Medicare, especially regarding medical equipment and diabetic testing supplies.

Julie Bannester, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services – Region 10, Seattle, Washington; Tai Venuti, Allsup, Belleville, Illinois

CMS: The Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Porgram Presentation

Allsup: What You Should Know

Wednesday, June 5, 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

A-14: Where’s Waldo? Finding the Root Need and the Best Available Resource

This workshop will use a short video, case studies and a game to initiate deeper awareness and ability to assist consumers to identify their root needs and potential resources. The presenters represent experience working in I&R as well as outreach and options counseling in a rural community, a medium-sized metro area and as a lead resource specialist.

Twila Jacobsen, Lane Council of Governments, Senior & Disabled Services/ADRC, Eugene, Oregon; Becky McMurrick, Lane Council of Governments, Senior & Disabled Services/ADRC, Eugene, Oregon; Judy Wolf, Lane Council of Governments, Senior & Disabled Services/ADRC, Eugene, Oregon


A-15: National Aging and Disability I&R/A Support Center Services, Survey and Training Opportunities

The National Aging and Disability I&R/A Support Center provides many services, tools and networking opportunities that participants can take advantage of… provided they know about them! This presentation will review the various training initiatives, survey information and network tools the Support Center has to offer. Presenters will review survey data highlights from the recent State of the State for Aging and Disability I&R/A, and aging and disability professionals of all levels should come prepared for an interactive discussion.

Sara Tribe, ADvancing States, Washington, DC; Kelsey Walter, ADvancing States, Washington, DC
