The Enabling Technology Engagement Network (ETEN), led by ADvancing States and National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), brings together state policymakers, health plan partners, and tech vendors to address challenges, accelerate innovation, and open doors to new market opportunities.
One pillar of the ETEN is the Technical Advisory Group, consisting of seven states who are leaders in this space: DC, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. These states will chart a pathway forward to expand availability of and access to innovative enabling technology to improve client outcomes.
Another pillar is the Affinity Group, which includes Advisory Group states and all other interested state members. This group tests policy ideas and recommendations from the Advisory Group, shares information about their issues and initiatives, and develops policy strategies and recommendations to expand availability and access.
The Collaborative Group includes the Advisory Group, selected enabling technology vendors, and select health plans. This group meets periodically to discuss challenges in enabling technology, policy solutions, and other considerations.
The following enabling technology vendors are participating in the ETEN Collaborative:
If you are a vendor who is interested in joining the Collaborative, you can find more information here.
The HCBS Conference and NASDDDS Conference will feature an enabling technology show room and enabling technology intensives.
The HCBS Conference is August 24-28 in Baltimore, Maryland. More information about the conference can be found here.
The NASDDDS Directors Forum and Annual Conference is November 3-5 in Pheonix, Arizona. More information about the conference can be found here.