State Agencies ADvancing Long-Term Services and Supports
ADvancing State members represent agencies of state and territorial governments designated by governors to administer, manage, design and advocate for long term services and supports for adults who are older, individuals with disabilities, and their caregivers.
The specific names and organization structures of the government agencies varies from state to state. Some states may have multiple agencies that weave their programs together to deliver long-term services and supports, while other states have a single agency that provide all LTSS. The agencies may be called a Department, Office, Bureau, Commission, Division for the aging, elderly, seniors, older adults and/or adults with physical disabilities, office of community living, office of long-term supports,
ADvancing States members include:
- State Aging and Disability Commissioners and their senior staff;
- State Medicaid-Long Term Services and Supports Directors and their senior staff;
- Home and Community Based Services Administrators and their senior staff;
- Directors of State Managed Long Term Services and Supports Programs and their senior staff.
Just as state agencies delivering long-term services and supports can have many different configurations, the titles of the administrators of the services also vary greatly by state. Regardless of the exact titles each of them share a common agenda of providing the opportunities and supports for people who are older and individuals with disabilities to live independent, meaningful, productive, dignified lives while maintaining close family and community ties.