ADvancing interRAI

ADvancing interRAI offers participating states unique, individualized support in improving the quality and utilization of assessment data, hence the tag line, “Using better data, better”.

As HCBS programs have grown more complicated and expensive, it has become increasingly important for states to use assessment data to support functional eligibility, person-centered planning, and program enhancements. A key first step is collecting accurate, reliable, and valid measures.

interRAI has a unique suite of reliable and valid systems that can serve as the cornerstone for any state wanting to build a data-driven system. interRAI has been researching and improving its tools for over 30 years and is used in over 35 countries and 24 states in the U.S. Their systems represent the results of rigorous research and testing to establish the reliability and validity of items, outcome measures, assessment protocols, case-mix algorithms, and quality indicators.

The ADvancing interRAI package, led by ADvancing States, supported by HCBS Strategies and interRAI fellows, is designed to help states collect accurate, valid, and reliable data in the most efficient manner possible and use those data for improving the equity and efficiency of their programs. This includes helping to improve a wide variety of states’ HCBS delivery systems program operations, such as  screening, waitlist prioritization, Level of Care determination, support planning, quality management, budgeting, and care management.

As part of this package of services, states considering or currently using interRAI receive a flexible package of supports and services that includes:

  • Cross State Collaboration- States are introduced to and have regular conversations with other states who are using or are interested in using the interRAI suite of assessment tools.
  • Training- State staff receive broad training support, including both online and in-person interRAI training offered by expert assessors steeped in LTSS and interRAI.
  • Onboarding Infrastructure- States receive an analysis of their current operations and recommendations about how to streamline and/or enhance their operations to collect more accurate data and use these data to improve program operations. States also have access to an implementation and onboarding toolkit that provides guidance about inform automation, data analyses, reporting, and other key components prior to rollout.
  • Operations and Policy Guidance- States will have exclusive access to documents written for state leadership and program managers about topics such as level of care, resource allocation, and transitioning assessment processes.  The list of topics will be expanded based on input from ADvancing interRAI member states.
  • Data Analyses and Reporting- States will receive guidance on collecting more accurate data, assistance with uploaded and cleansing data, and standardized reports summarizing their interRAI data.
  • Technical Assistance – States also receive customized technical assistance on diverse topics of interest to them. This technical assistance may be provided by the ADvancing interRAI team and/or by the pool of over 400 interRAI experts worldwide.

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