Supporting Adults with Intellectual and Development Disabilities (I/DD) and Their Aging Caregivers: Session 3
Supporting Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) and Their Aging Caregivers: Session 2
Supporting Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) and Their Aging Caregivers Summit: Session 1
CMS is hosting a two-day virtual summit, Supporting Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) and Their Aging Caregivers, to share promising practices and collaborate on solutions for addressing challenges faced by state Medicaid agencies and their partners in supporting adults with I/DD and their aging parents and caregivers. This webinar will focus on strategies for state Medicaid agencies and their partner agencies, and will cover topics including coordination across state ag
Post-Pandemic Re-Integration and Assessment of Community Interactions
Promising Practices Using Section 5310 Funding to Enhance Service
Resuming In-Person Visits During COVID-19: Tips for Identifying Trauma, Potential Abuse, and Supporting Residents
In recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), join NORC to learn how to identify and respond to signs of trauma, abuse or neglect, and support residents as Ombudsman programs resume in-person visits. Dr. Laura Mosqueda, an expert on elder abuse and neglect, will provide tips for Ombudsman programs conducting in-person visits and how to identify signs of trauma in response to isolation and loss during the pandemic and potential signs of abuse and neglect. She will also share recommendations for supporting residents and available resources.