
Webinar: Diabetes and Dementia

Event Description: 

The American Society on Aging (ASA) is hosting a webinar to help individuals learn about the connection between diabetes and dementia, strategies to address diabetes, and how to build cognitive resilience. Specifically, after attending this webinar, participants will be able to:

(Re)Defining Person-Centered Planning on Mental Health Systems

Event Description: 

The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS) is hosting a webinar that will convene members of the Massachusetts-based Council Against Institutional and Psychiatric Abuse (CAIPA) to explore what person-centered planning should – and shouldn’t – look like. While person-centered planning is intended to support people to live self-determined lives, it can also be used inappropriately to compel and coerce people into purchasing services they do not want.

Webinar: Proposed updates to ACL’s Older Americans Act regulations

Event Description: 

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is inviting input on its proposed updates to the regulations governing the Older Americans Act (OAA) program. The proposed rule addresses various emerging issues and seeks to provide clarity on requirements for programs authorized under Titles III (grants to state and community programs on aging), VI (grants to Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian grantees for supportive, nutrition, and caregiver services), and VII (allotments for vulnerable elder rights protection activities) of the OAA.

Medicare Fraud Prevention Week

Event Description: 

Medicare Fraud Prevention Week (MFPW) is June 5th through 11th. Medicare loses an estimated $60 billion each year due to fraud, errors, and abuse. ACL and its Senior Medicare Patrol Resource Center lead the nation's annual MFPW observance, raising awareness of actions everyone can take to help prevent, detect, and report Medicare fraud. 

Partnering with Adult Protective Services: Leveraging Strengths across Disciplines

Event Description: 

The Administration for Community Living (ACL), the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), and the National Center on Law & Elder Rights (NCLER) are organizing a webinar titled "Closing the Justice Gap for Older Adults Part Three: Partnering with Adult Protective Services: Leveraging Strengths across Disciplines." This webinar aims to explore how Adult Protective Services (APS) and civil legal aid can collaborate to address elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

ICDR Webinar: Emergency Preparedness and the Impact of Climate Change on People with Disabilities

Event Description: 

The Interagency Committee on Disability Research (ICDR) is hosting a Lunch & Learn webinar titled "Emergency Preparedness and the Impact of Climate Change on People with Disabilities." This webinar will feature Marcie Roth, executive director and CEO of the World Institute on Disability, who will discuss the effects of disasters on individuals with disabilities. Roth will also discuss opportunities for improvement and research needs to enhance outcomes for people with disabilities affected by disasters.

Addressing the Complex Needs of Older Adults through Strong Community-Based Organization and Health Plan Partnerships

Event Description: 

In this 60-minute webinar hosted by the Better Care Playbook, the focus will be on addressing the complex needs of older adults through strong partnerships between community-based organizations (CBOs) and health plans. These partnerships aim to deliver home- and community-based services and evidence-based care for older adults with chronic health conditions and disabilities. The webinar will discuss the value case for these partnerships, highlight different partnership models, and provide resources to facilitate effective contracting.

Focus on Aging Webinar: Resilience in Dementia Caregiving

Event Description: 

Join the National Institute on Aging (NIA) for an upcoming webinar in their Federal Partners' Webinar Series, focusing on the crucial role of caregivers in supporting individuals with dementia. The webinar aims to explore the concept of resilience and its importance in dementia caregiving, featuring presentations from experts in the field and real-life insights from caregivers. Topics will include national research perspectives, personal experiences of caregivers, and behavioral frameworks for building resilience among dementia caregivers.


NTP Medicare Update & Education Webinar

Event Description: 

Join the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for a webinar providing an update on their upcoming June National Training Program (NTP) virtual workshop. Attendees will be provided with information to help prepare for the NTP workshop and will learn strategies and tips to better reach their audiences. This webinar will cover the following topics:


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