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The I&R Support Center hosts webinars on a regular basis with I&R Specialists concerning topics of interest to those who work in the field of aging and disability Information and Referral/Assistance. Webinars are recorded and are available for on-demand viewing at no cost on ADvancing States IQ, our online learning center. Webinar presentations and any handouts are available with the webinar recordings. If you are new to ADvancing States IQ, simply create an account for yourself to access recorded webinars. See the table below for available webinars; search functions allow you to find webinars by keyword, content category, or year. Click the title of the webinar to access the recording and materials on IQ. 

Information on upcoming webinars is disseminated through the I&R Center’s distribution list; to join, please click here


Title Description Date
Does It Make a Difference? Understanding the Experiences of Individuals Receiving Services

Information and Referral/Assistance (I&R/A) services refer people to aging and disabilities programs every day. How do these programs impact individuals and families? Do they make a difference? While I&R/A follow-up and other quality assurance measures help to tell the story, national quality measurement initiatives are also a resource for assessing and understanding service outcomes. Join this webinar to learn about the National Core Indicators-Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD™), a voluntary effort by state aging, disability and Medicaid agencies to measure program performance through consumer experience surveys. As with I&R/A data, NCI-AD data is a powerful tool to understand what happens next for service recipients and to inform continual quality improvement. NCI-AD is a collaborative effort between ADvancing States, the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), and participating states.

IQ Category: Advancing Quality

January 19, 2023
Behavioral Health Coaching: An Innovative Program Addressing Housing and Mental Health

Join this webinar to learn about the Atlanta Regional Commission’s innovative Behavioral Health Coaching Service for older adults who are at risk of eviction. Behavioral health coaching helps older adult residents in metro Atlanta’s affordable housing communities better manage behavioral health conditions such as depression and dementia, and reduce the risk of eviction, while improving quality of life. 

IQ Category: Community Integration

November 16, 2022
Certification for I&R/A Specialists in Aging/Disabilities (CRS-A/D) Training

This training provides an overview of key competencies needed for aging and disability I&R/A professionals and provides preparation for the AIRS Certification exam for Community Resource Specialists in Aging/Disabilities (CRS-A/D). Supplemental Resources:

  1. CRS-AD Training - Presentation
  2. I&R Training Resource Communication Examples for I&R Process
  3. CRS-AD PPT Activity #2 Empathetic Statements
  4. CRS-AD PPT Activity #4 One-page Profile
  5. In Case of Crisis, and I Don’t Know What to Say Reference Sheet
  6. HCBS Programs and Services Packet 2021
  7. Disability for IR Specialists Programs and Services Packet
December 6, 2023
Medicare Basics for I&R Professionals

View this webinar on Medicare to build or refresh your understanding of key components of the Medicare program! This webinar covers Medicare basics including eligibility, services, coverage options, cost assistance programs, and cost-sharing/coordination with Medicaid. The webinar also addresses Medicare counseling through the State Health Insurance Assistance Program.

IQ Category: Medicaid, Medicare and Health Care Coverage

September 18, 2023

The Evolution of a Quality Assurance Process

Disability Hub MN is a statewide resource network that helps people with disabilities solve problems, navigate the system, and plan for the future. Disability Hub MN has spent the last two years developing a new Quality Assurance process for evaluating phone calls and chats taken by Options Counselors. In this webinar, presenters will explore why a change was needed, what the vision was, the process it took to get there, and continued efforts to improve the Hub’s Quality Assurance process.

IQ Category: Advancing Quality

September 14, 2022

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