
Short Name: 

The "New Normal" Way of Providing Key Nutrition Services to Seniors

Event Description: 

This webinar will discuss how the delivery of nutrition services will be different after COVID-19. During the webinar, experts from ACL will preview what the "new normal" will look like as states begin the reopening process. Participants will hear how to align their organization with emerging guidance on reopening and also learn how they can leverage virtual platforms to provide nutrition education and counseling.


Exploring Options for Integration: State Considerations to Better Coordinate Medicare and Medicaid

Event Description: 
People who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid must navigate two uncoordinated systems of care that have different incentives, benefits, provider networks, and enrollment processes. ADvancing States, in partnership with the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS), is developing resources for states new to integration to inform the adoption of strategies that better align Medicare and Medicaid for dually eligible individuals.

How COVID-19 Can Spark Transformative Change in LTSS

Event Description: 

The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on society. However, the changes it has required across state agencies can also provide a learning opportunity moving forward. During this webinar, participants will hear how changes brought on by the pandemic may help LTSS agencies be more flexible in the future. The webinar will discuss how agencies can extract lessons from the pandemic to utilize new tools and technology and reduce regulatory hurdles in their work. 

Changes in HCBS Programs in Response to COVID-19

Event Description: 

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how federal and state agencies are delivering home and community-based services. During this webinar, NCLER will review federal and state actions to improve HCBS delivery during this challenging time. Participants will learn about options available to states and hear about how COVID-19 may continue affecting Medicaid HCBS programs into the future.

Presenters: Eric Carlson, Directing Attorney, Justice in Aging Gelila Selassie, Staff Attorney, Justice in Aging


Providing Support Services to Older Adults in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Event Description: 

ASA is continuing to host conversations with leaders in the field to share strategies for coping with the challenges brought about by COVID-19. This upcoming discussion will feature Paul Downey, President & CEO, Serving Seniors. He will describe how COVID-19 has impacted low-income housing complexes and what his organization is doing to protect their clients and volunteers.

Click here to learn more.

Addressing Dementia in Indian Country: Where We Are and What Comes Next

Event Description: 

As the older adult population among American Indians and Alaska Natives grows, so too will the incidence of dementia. American Indian communities are taking action now to increase awareness and build caregiver supports. During this webinar, local leaders will discuss the activities they are taking to prepare their communities.


National Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day 2020

Event Description: 

SAMHSA is hosting an online discussion in honor of this observance. The discussion will include practical ideas to promote connection and recovery for older adults with serious mental illness and substance use disorders. This meeting will address the challenge of combating social isolation for older adults during the pandemic and will feature several speakers from the Administration.

How to Successfully Manage an APS Program with a Remote Workforce: Insight from Experienced Administrators

Event Description: 

This webinar will feature APS programs who have successfully used remote workforces in the past. This will be an opportunity for APS programs who are implementing remote work for the first time during the pandemic to hear insight from experienced administrators. During the webinar participants will learn how to overcome challenges including program culture, accessing supports, and maintaining performance. This webinar will include a roundtable discussion and time for audience questions.

Panelists will include APS administrators from San Francisco, Montana, and Texas.

Aging in the Time of COVID-19: Reflections on Life, Health, Family, Community and Purpose

Event Description: 
The American Society on Aging is hosting a series of conversations with leaders in the field to share strategies for coping with the challenges brought about by COVID-19. These conversations will be hosted by ASA President and CEO Peter Kaldes, who will lead discussions with guests about what practices they have put in place that may be transferrable to other service providers across the country.


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