
Short Name: 

Seniors Against Scams

Event Description: 

This webinar will provide an overview of Seniors Against Scams, an education curriculum that highlights popular scams targeting vulnerable older adults. During the webinar, participants will hear from four directors who implemented the program at their senior centers and learn about evaluation results. This program is now available for implementation at senior centers, and the webinar will provide resources, guides, press release templates, survey tools and tips to assist those interested in starting the program.

Newly Approved Evidence-Based Programs to Help Expand Your Programming and Reach

Event Description: 

This webinar will discuss four programs that were recently approved for the Older Americans Act Title III-D evidence-based program pre-approved list. The four programs featured are:

  • Respecting Choices
  • ¡Sí, Yo Puedo Controlar Mí Diabetes! (¡Sí, Yo Puedo!), 
  • Health Matters
  • Tai Chi Prime

During the webinar, participants will learn about how each of these evidence-based initiatives can help reach new participants and address diverse health needs.

SSI Self-Help for Overpayments: Administrative Waivers

Event Description: 

This webinar will discuss the steps an SSI recipient should take if they receive a notice of overpayment from the Social Security Administration. Presenters will explore options including appealing the determination of an overpayment and requesting a waiver. Participants will also learn how advocates can assist individuals through processes such as filing a waiver application, asking for an administrative waiver, and establishing a monthly payment plan. 


Reeve Summit 2020: Where Care, Cure and Community Connect

Event Description: 

The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation is putting on its first annual conference, Reeve Summit 2020: Where Care, Cure and Community Connect. 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of Christopher Reeve’s spinal cord injury, and this event is a unique opportunity to bring together the community, key thought leaders and individuals who have had an extraordinary impact on the lives of people with paralysis and related disabilities.

Measuring Home and Community-Based Services for Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Event Description: 
This webinar will examine how to measure access and outcomes for home and community-based services. The webinar will focus on the importance of data, with a spotlight on data from the National Core Indicators - Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD™), a collaborative effort between ADvancing States and the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI). Participants will learn how to use data from NCI-AD and other sources to measure the access older adults and people with disabilities have to transportation, employment, and service coordination.

Home Maintenance: Resources from the Here to Stay Program

Event Description: 

NOTE: Registration for this webinar is now full. The recording, slides, and transcript from the event will be posted on our website afterwards: http://www.advancingstates.org/initiatives/national-information-referral-support-center/ira-webinars

The National I&R Support Center will host a webinar on Home Maintenance: Resources from the Here to Stay Program. This webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11, 2020, from 3:00-4:00p.m. Eastern time.

Solutions to Behavioral Health Workforce Shortages and Lack of Funding

Event Description: 

This webinar will focus on the national shortage of mental and behavioral health care workers, a problem which is particularly pronounced in rural areas. Participants will learn about efforts to improve recruitment and training in many mental health disciplines. The webinar will also review initiatives such as tele-behavioral health programs and the Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program. 

This webinar is part of the National Coalition on Mental Health and Aging Webinar Series.

Presenter: Ron Manderscheid, Ph.D.

Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement: A Collaborative Approach to Programs for People with Intellectual and Development Disabilities and Their Families

Event Description: 

This webinar will focus on the case study of Tennessee’s Employment and Community First CHOICES program, which serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Just Wanna Live My Best Life - Shaping Medicaid HCBS to Fit the Individual Priorities of Self-Advocates

Event Description: 
The Administration for Community Living has announced a new monthly webinar series on promising practices in addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) and building provider capacity. ACL is hosting this webinar series in partnership with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. Webinars will address topics including person-centered planning, guardianship reform, aligning HCBS policy with SDOH, housing, employment, community inclusion, and transportation, and more. 

Reframe Public Understanding of Your Work to Increase Funding and Awareness

Event Description: 

WellSky is hosting an upcoming webinar on how human service agencies can increase understanding of their services and marshal public support and funding. During this webinar, participants will learn how to improve communications in order to overcome misperceptions and address stereotypes around "charity". This webinar will incorporate tools from the National Human Services Assembly’s National Reframing Initiative, which has proven to significantly increase public understanding of human services.


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