
Virtual listening session with health care providers and suppliers on emergency preparedness

Event Description: 

CMS is looking to gather information from health care providers and suppliers on their experiences providing support during public health emergencies (PHE) outside of the COVID-19 PHE. The input and lessons-learned from this session will be used to evaluate CMS regulations regarding emergency preparedness for certain health care providers. CMS is especially interested in hearing input on the following questions:

Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Program Evaluation

Event Description: 

The Jewish Federations of North America Center on Holocaust Survivor Care and Institute on Aging and Trauma is hosting a webinar, Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Program Evaluation: Principles, Practices, and Strategies. The webinar will discuss the principles of PCTI program evaluation and examine a PCTI evaluation planning tool. Speakers will share examples of how two local agencies, Edith and Carl Marks Jewish Community House of Bensonhurst and Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Philadelphia, have implemented PCTI evaluation in their work. 

Field Hearing on Nursing Home Debt Collection Practices

Event Description: 

On September 8, 2022 CFPB Director Rohit Chopra will host a virtual discussion with advocates, service providers, community leaders, and members of the public on nursing home debt collection. This hearing is a chance for the CFPB to hear from consumers, their advocates and others as they explore challenges around nursing home debt collection practices and the impact they can have on the financial wellbeing of caregivers, their families, and friends. It is also an opportunity for consumers to learn more about their rights.

Taking a Deeper Dive into a Project of National Significance: Community Collaborations for Employment (CCE)

Event Description: 

In 2021, ACL awarded seven grants to support the Community Collaborations for Employment (CCE) Program to help enhance collaborations across systems to maximize experiences for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities as they transition between school and work in the community. Join the DETAC as three CCE Grantees (Arizona, Kansas, and Massachusetts) share insights about the strategic framework they established to help optimize opportunities for youth with I/DD to achieve competitive integrated employment within tribal reservations, rural, urban, and suburban communities

Emergency Management Disability Awareness Training (EM DAT)

Event Description: 

The Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCDD) is funding national subject matter expert Dave Whalen from Niagara University (NU) to bring the Emergency Management Disability Awareness Training (EM DAT) program to Nebraska. The program brings together the disability community and those with a role in disaster emergency response to educate on matters related to proper response for those with disabilities and access and functional needs.


Direct Support Professional Careers for People with Disabilities

Event Description: 

In this webinar, experts from the field will share their experiences in creating opportunities for people with disabilities to work as DSPs using customized employment and accommodations. Attendees will learn about an innovative DSP Academy that trains people with disabilities to work as DSPs. RCM of Washington Chief Executive Officer Amy Brooks and Chief Innovation Officer Susan Brooks will describe RCM’s approach to training and employment placement.

Supporting Technology-Enabled Innovation in Medicaid Managed Care to Improve Quality and Equity: State Considerations

Event Description: 
This webinar will explore the opportunity of tech-enabled innovation to improve care for Medicaid populations. The webinar will also discusss how states and health plans can support implementation of new technologies within Medicaid managed care. Speakers representing Medicaid agency, health plan, and health care tech perspectives will discuss their experiences and lessons related to supporting tech-enabled solution adoption.
This webinar will be held on Thursday, September 20, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET.

Understanding and Responding to the Cultural and Linguistic Differences in the Conduct of Disability Research

Event Description: 

The Interagency Committee on Disability Research (ICDR) Lunch & Learn webinar series discusses topics related to disability and rehabilitation to highlight the work of the ICDR and member agencies and organizations. During this webinar, Tawara D. Goode, Director of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Georgetown University Center for Child & Human Development, will present on understanding and responding to cultural and linguistic difference while conducting disability research.

Taking Public Health Action for Family Caregivers

Event Description: 

The National Alliance for Caregiving and the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors will host a webinar, Taking Public Health Action for Family Caregivers, to share insights into caregiving issues relevant to public health and outline actions public health professionals can take to protect the health of family caregivers. This webinar will also act as a release for their new report, Chronic Disease Family Caregiving Through a Public Health Lens: The Framework for Family Caregiving and Public Health.

Ending Homelessness - Developing Partnerships Between HUD Continuums of Care and Disability, Aging, and Health Services Providers

Event Description: 

The Continuum of Care (CoC) program within HUD brings together community partners that offer a variety of services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Partners of the program include public housing and housing services agencies, health care organizations, providers of mental health services, and community-based organizations that provide supportive services, such as the aging and disability networks. This webinar will orient participants to CoC structures and cross-sector partnerships that address the needs of people experiencing homelessness.


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