
Elder Justice Training

Event Description: 

The Nebraska State Unit on Aging is co-sponsoring a training for professionals in the aging network in collaboration with the Nebraska State Bar Association Elder Law Section. Some of the topics covered will include Caregiving in Today's Environment, Cybersecurity, and Medicaid eligibility. This training will take place via live-stream on June 12. Participants may view the live-stream on their individual computers, or go to any of the twelve physical locations in Nebraska showing the stream. Participation is free, but registration is required. 

The CHRONIC CARE Act: New Opportunities to Advance Complex Care Through Community-Clinical Partnerships

Event Description: 

The CHRONIC CARE Act was passed in February 2018 as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act. This law uses a variety of mechanisms to improve care quality for populations with complex needs, including people with disabilities and older adults. This webinar from the Aging and Disability Institute is intended to explain how the CHRONIC Care Act can improve care for these populations, what changes the act will cause, and how it creates the potential for further CBO integration with health plans.

Managed Long-Term Services and Supports: The Potential for Medicaid Managed Care to Integrate Acute and Long-Term Care

Event Description: 

AcademyHealth’s Long-Term Services and Supports Interest Group is presenting a webinar on Managed Long-Term Services and Supports programs. This webinar will be held May 3, 2018 from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. ET and will discuss MLTSS programs nationally while also providing a status update on information about the effectiveness of these programs.

CMS Quality Measures: How They Are Used and How You Can Be Involved

Event Description: 

CMS is hosting a webinar to educate the public on quality measures. This session will be held May 2, from 4:00-5:00 p.m. ET, and will be identical in content to the first session. The webinar will provide an introduction to quality measures, give an overview of how these measures are created, and explain the new Meaningful Measures initiative. A major goal for this webinar is to encourage the public to participate in the measure process, and a significant focus will be ways for people to get involved and engage.

Dr. Joshua M. Wiener’s Legacy: Keep on Marching!

Event Description: 

Dr. Joshua M. Wiener dedicated his life to advocating for and researching aging and long-term services and supports (LTSS). In honor of his legacy, RTI is hosting a symposium focusing on the issues to which he dedicated his career, including long-term care financing, LTSS quality, and integrated models of care. This event will be held May 11, from 1:00-5:00 p.m. ET. Participants may attend the symposium in person at the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation's Barbara Jordan Conference Center in Washington, DC, or may view a livestream of the event online.

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Building Strong Support for Elders

Event Description: 

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day will be observed Tuesday June 15, 2018. As part of this observance, a special event to discuss the future of elder justice will be held June 5, 2018 at the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, DC. This event will begin in the morning with the Elder Justice Coordinating Council Spring Meeting. In the afternoon, the 4th Global Summit for Elder Justice will take place, where updates will be given on ongoing international and national initiatives.

engAGED: Increasing Social Engagement through the Arts

Event Description: 

N4a is presenting a five-part webinar series on improving the well-being of older adults through social engagement. The first webinar in this series is called engAGED: Increasing Social Engagement through the Arts, and will focus on how creative activities can improve the engagement of older adults. This webinar will be held Wednesday April 25 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET and will be presented by Jennie Smith-Peers, executive director of the National Center for Creative Aging, and Beth M. Bienvenu, accessibility director of the National Endowment for the Arts. 

Financial and Housing Guidance with CreditSmart**

Event Description: 

Easterseals, an organization that provides services for people with disabilities and veterans, is partnering with Freddie Mac to present an educational webinar about financial literacy. The webinar will be held Wednesday, April 25th from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. ET and will focus on the unique financial challenges faced by caregivers, people with disabilities, and veterans.

AUCD 2018 Conference - We ALL Belong Here! Achieving Inclusive Communities

Event Description: 

AUCD has announced that their 2018 conference will be held on November 11-14 in Washington, DC and will focus on the theme of belonging and inclusion. The goal of this conference is to share strategies for integrating people with disabilities into every aspect of their communities and to promote equal opportunity in all areas, including education, housing, employment, healthcare, transportation, faith communities, and beyond.


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