
National Institute on the Prosecution of Elder Abuse

Event Description: 

The National Institute on the Prosecution of Elder Abuse (NIPEA) is a three day course for elder abuse prosecutors. Participants learn practical skills by working two actual cases. They also explore ethical issues, relevant medical evidence, and the importantce of a victim-centered community response. NIPEA will be held in San Antonio, Texas from November 6-November 8, 2019. 

Registration closes October 14.

Caregiving on the Homefront

Event Description: 

Politico is hosting a conversation about the military caregiver experience and the challenges that military caregivers face in getting support. This discussion will explore policies and procedures that could help improve the military caregiver experience. This event will take place on Thursday, October 17 in Washington, DC. 

Featured Speakers: 

Eviction Defense 2.0: Challenging Issues Facing Older Tenants At Risk of Eviction

Event Description: 

This webinar from NCLER will build upon last year’s training, Legal Basics: Helping Older Tenants Remain at Home. This new webinar will explain how older tenants who are facing financial, cognitive, and other challenges are at heightened risk for eviction and displacement. The presenter will discuss legal avenues for combating evictions, including reasonable accommodations and strategies for addressing challenging scenarios.

Younger Onset Alzheimer’s Disease: Exploring the Emotional Experience and the Importance of Community

Event Description: 

The National Alzheimer's and Dementia Resource Center (NADRC) is hosting a webinar about the experiences of people living with younger onset Alzheimer’s disease. This disease affects people ages 65 years and younger and poses unique challenges. During this webinar, the support program Without Warning will educate participants about emotional journey of younger onset Alzheimer’s disease and the importance of community in providing support.

CMS HCBS Monthly Call: Supports for Community Participation

Event Description: 
CMS is hosting an upcoming webinar through one of their TA Contractors regarding innovative strategies to support HCBS participants with community participation/community engagement.  This webinar will explore innovations currently underway in states and will include emerging practices to support community participation. New Editions Consulting, Inc.

Catalyzing Medicaid-Public Health Collaboration to Achieve Mutual Prevention Goals: Lessons from CDC’s 6|18 Initiative

Event Description: 

This webinar from CHCS will describe CDC's 6|18 Initiative and provide examples of successful participating Medicaid-public health teams. Speakers from Kentucky and New Hampshire will describe their experiences in improving diabetes care and reducing tobacco use within the 6|18 Initiative. The webinar will also announce a new opportunity for Medicaid-public health teams to receive technical assistance under the 6|18 Initiative.

Issues at the Intersection of Social Security and Medicare

Event Description: 

The National Center on Law and Elder Rights is hosting a webinar about the intersection between Medicare and Social Security benefits. Specifically, this webinar will address why problems with one benefit are often linked to issues with the other. Presenters will share strategies that advocates can use to help resolve such problems, including state buy-in issues for Medicare Part B premiums, and challenges keeping Medicare active during an appeal of the termination of Social Security disability benefits.


Home and Community-Based Mental Health Services: Meeting the Needs of Older Adults

Event Description: 

This webinar will explore three-evidence based programs to address the behavioral health needs of older adults. Presenters will share their experience implementing the programs and discuss lessons learned. This webinar is being held in recognition of World Mental Health Day and is co-sponsored by NCOA’s National CDSME Resource Center and the National Coalition on Mental Health and Aging.

The three programs highlighted will be:

1. Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives (PEARLS)

2. Healthy IDEAS

3. Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)

Annual Symposium on Women's Retirement

Event Description: 
The Women's Institute For A Secure Retirement is hosting its second annual symposium on Wednesday, October 2 from 12:30-5:30 p.m. ET. This year's them is, "What Do Women Really Want? A Secure Retirement and Strategies to Achieve It". The symposium will focus one how women, employers, financial services providers, lawmakers, public policy experts and community activists can work together to devise strategies and make retirement more secure for all women.

Creating Health Care Partnerships That Benefit Your Agency

Event Description: 
As the health care system moves to value-based care - where providers are paid based on the quality of their outcomes, not the quantity of their procedures - state and local agencies hold a great deal of leverage when negotiating partnerships to provide services to health system members. Hospitals now realize they must address social determinants of health to reduce readmissions and achieve better outcomes for patients with unmet needs.


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