
Nutrition Education in Congregate and Home-Delivered Meal Program Settings Part 1 - What Do We Know?

Event Description: 
The National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging (NRCNA) is hosting a two-part webinar series about the findings from a multi-state survey of nutrition educators working with congregate and home-delivered meal programs. This survey focused on the type of frequency of education provided. 

Healthy Brain Initiative Road Map: State and Local Public Health Partnerships to Address Dementia

Event Description: 

The 2018-2023 Road Map is informed by four Essential Services of Public Health: assure a competent workforce, monitor and evaluate, develop policies and mobilize partnerships, and educate and empower the nation. This webinar will cover the role of public health in promoting brain health, review the constituent groups targeted in CDC’s Healthy Brain Initiative

Quality Management: How Georgia Adapts to a Growing Senior Population

Event Description: 

In the year 2000, Georgia’s Division of Aging Services (DAS) faced a daunting challenge: the state's senior population was expected to triple in size by 2050. In response, the state launched an ambitious quality program, based on the Baldrige Excellence Framework. Today this highly successful initiative produces continuous process improvement and has laid the foundation for a secure, healthy future. This free webinar will examine the essentials to effective quality management that the state of Georgia has learned over nearly two decades.


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