
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care

Event Description: 
CMS recently issued proposed changes to the Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care final rule which was published in 2016. Many of the significant changes address actuarial soundness requirements, and directed payments. In addition, the proposed rule reduces the specific network adequacy standards states have to include in managed care contracts as well as beneficiary information included in provider directories. CMS is holding a webinar to provide an overview of the regulatory revisions in the proposed rule.

Keys to a Successful Volunteer Transportation Program: Risk, Liability and Insurance Webinar

Event Description: 

Volunteer transportation programs provide many older adults and people with disabilities with an opportunity for socialization and personalized services. NADTC is hosting a webinar to discuss risk, liability and insurance as it relates to volunteer transportation programs. This webinar will review the importance of identifying risk management strategies when starting or growing a volunteer transportation program in the community.

The Evolution of CBO Contracts with Health Care Organizations: 2018 RFI Survey Results

Event Description: 

The Aging and Disability Business Institute is cohosting a webinar with Scripps Gerontology Center to discuss the new data collected during their second RFI survey. This data provides information on contracting between community-based organizations (CBOs) and health care entities and reveals how the contracting landscape has changed over the past year.

Promising Practices for Meeting the Needs of Dually Eligible Older Adults with Schizophrenia

Event Description: 

Caring for older adults with schizophrenia requires special attention to how needs and treatments may change. This webinar will discuss how to identify common symptoms of schizophrenia among older adults, identify promising practices related to treatment options and care coordination, and offer practical strategies for meeting beneficiary needs.

Asking this Critical Question Can Make a Difference: "Have you or a loved one ever served in the military?"

Event Description: 

The SMVF TA Center works with states and territories to strengthen their behavioral health systems for service members, veterans, and their families. Proper screening of service members, veterans, and their families (SMVF) enables community providers to connect with those individuals, inform treatment planning decisions, and help SMVF access care and benefits.

Don’t Be Spooked by Medicare Changes in 2019

Event Description: 
This annual Halloween webinar from NCOA reviews changes to Medicare in the coming year. This event is geared toward counseling professionals who have a strong familiarity with Medicare. Topics covered include the reinstated Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period, changes to cost-sharing and types of benefits offered by plans, and new limitations on the Special Enrollment Period for your clients with Extra Help. 
Registration is free, but will be capped at 300 participants. 

Home Safety & Modification Webinar, Part 1: Creating Better Homes for Aging in Place

Event Description: 
NCOA is co-hosting a two part webinar with the University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. This series will discuss the role of home safety and home modification in preventing falls among older adults. The webinar will provide an overview of the fundamentals of home safety and modification, review funding sources, and cover practical resources to keep older adults safe in their homes.

The Hidden Storm: Aging, Chronic Pain and Opioid Addiction

Event Description: 

Some older adults may face a difficult combination of chronic pain coupled with alcohol and opioid addiction. This webinar from ASA’s Healthcare and Aging Network (HAN) will examine older adult opioid and alcohol addiction in a bio-psychosocial context. Presenters will offer new insight and effective tools for aging care to help Aging Life Care professionals evaluate the presence of opioid and-or alcohol addiction and support addiction recovery and humane pain management for older adults. 

Health and Health Care Utilization Findings from the Nutrition Services Program Outcomes Evaluation

Event Description: 
The Title III-C Nutrition Services Program (NSP) under the Older Americans Act is intended to promote access to nutritious meals, facilitate social contact, and support family caregivers. In order to assess program effectiveness, ACL has conducted a Title III-C NSP Client Outcomes Evaluation which measures the program’s effects on a variety of key outcomes. The National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging is hosting a webinar to discuss the results and conclusions from the evaluation.


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