
Senior Center Month – Engaging With Boomers

Septembers marks this year's Senior Center Month. To celebrate the occasion, the National Institute of Senior Centers is hosting a webinar about engaging with Boomers. The webinar will be presented by Maureen O’Leary, Program Manager, National Institute of Senior Centers. During the webinar, viewers will learn strategies for creating and promoting programs and services for baby boomers.

Promising Collaborations Between IL Centers, ADRCs, and Medicaid Managed Care Plans

This webinar will present examples of promising practices featuring the work of the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC), a collaboration between the Independent Living Center—FREED, N4AA, and other LTSS and safety net providers in rural California. The collaborative partners assist individuals with disabilities to plan for LTSS; provide care transition intervention for people with substance use disorders and mental health disabilities; and facilitate community transitions.

The California Coordinated Care Initiative: An Update One Year into Implementation

Justice in Aging is hosting a webinar on The California Coordinated Care Initiative: An Update One Year into Implementation. In April of 2014, California began the implementation of the Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI) and it is now live in seven California counties. Presenter Amber Cutler from Justice in Aging will speak about current happenings of the initiative and changes that took place. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Sustainable Evidence-based Integration: A Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating Behavioral Health into the Primary Care Setting

There is a clear and growing body of evidence that supports the integration of behavioral health into the primary care setting. Numerous trials show that integration delivers upon the triple aim, generating a measurable return on investment over time, improving outcomes for patients, and resulting in a high quality experience for patients. Furthermore, health plans, state and national demonstrations, and accrediting bodies are moving in this direction.

National Medicare Education Program (NMEP) Web Meeting

The focus of the NMEP meeting is to enlist national and local organizations to support outreach and education around the Medicare program. We have expanded the focus of these meetings to reflect additional CMS programs such as the Health Insurance Marketplace, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Many national and local organizations that work on behalf of the aged, disabled, the uninsured, children, and families are involved in this public-private partnership.

The Next Line of Business for AAAs & CBOs: Bundled Payments

The entire healthcare landscape is undergoing and will continue to undergo major changes. Significant funding is shifting towards improved health outcomes; and hospitals and physicians are shifting to value-based payment models. CMS’s Bundled Payments for Care Improvement initiative is a value-based payment model launched in 2013 that directly affects older adults and the services and programs provided by AAAs and other community-based organizations (CBOs).

State Trends in the Child SSI Program: The Growing Role of SSI in the Safety Net

In 2013, about 1.3 million children were receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, a net increase of 45 percent over the last 15 years. There have been no major changes in SSI’s eligibility rules that would explain this increase—or the differences in caseload growth across states—which raises questions about the factors driving these trends. In a new study completed for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S.

"Caring for You, Caring for Me": Outreach to Caregivers

The National Network of the Libraries of Medicine is hosting a free webinar on outreach to caregivers. The webinar will be presented by Karen Marshall of the Kadamba Tree Foundation. It will include a discussion about her organization's NN/LM SE/A funded project to expand an adaptation of the Rosalyn Carter Institute for Caregiving's "Caring for You, Caring for Me" Education and Support Program for Family and Professional Caregivers (CYCM).


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