ADvancing States Publications & Webinars

Title Summary
Long-Term Support Options Counseling: Decision Support in Aging and Disability Resource Centers This paper presents the perspective that options counseling is a pivotal function of Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) and its essential elements are counseling and decision support. The diverse array of definitions currently in use runs the risk of diminishing the importance of options counseling, which is a key function of a comprehensive long-term care system.
Inclusion/Exclusion Policy Development Guide for Aging Information & Referral/Assistance Are you struggling with what should and should not be included in an I&R resource database? NASUA has put together a compilation of suggestions, experiences, and ideas from the field related to establishing a database. The paper also addresses specific elements of designs and policy development.
HCBS Waiver Conference 2005 - Presentations Held in May 2005 this national conference was designed to meet the unique training needs of waiver program operators. This year’s conference, titled "The Sun Shines Brighter at Home," offered substantive opportunities to learn about the national initiatives, policy directions and grant programs that shape the current environment. The attached agenda has links to all of the presentation overheads.
2005 Older Americans Act Reauthorization Policy Recommendations The National Association of State Units on Aging (NASUA) is pleased to share a comprehensive set of recommendations for reform of the Older Americans Act (OAA) when it is reauthorized by the 109th Congress in 2005. NASUA believes that the forthcoming reauthorization of the Act provides an opportunity to modernize its structures, programs, and services to prepare to serve the next generation of older persons and their families.
Assessment and Implementation Guide for Older Americans Act: Information & Referral/Assistance This is the Administration on Aging's National Aging Information and Referral/Assistance Support Center guide. This guide assists State and Area Agencies on Aging and local providers in matching I&R/A services with established AIRS Standards.
NASUA AIRS Assessment and Implementation Guide This document is one of many that comprise the Aging and Disability Resource Centers Toolbox developed by the Rutgers/NASHP/ILRU Community Living Exchange Collaborative. The entire toolbox is available online at:
NASUA AIRS Self Assesment Guide This document is one of many that comprise the Aging and Disability Resource Centers Toolbox developed by the Rutgers/NASHP/ILRU Community Living Exchange Collaborative. The entire toolbox is available online at:
Consumer-Direction Tool The tool is designed to help consumers and policy makers determine the extent to which state home and community based service programs offer consumers opportunities to make choices and direct their services.
