ADvancing States Publications & Webinars

Title Summary
Trends in Medicaid Reform This presentation at the 2012 Aging in America Conference provides an overview of the basics of Medicaid and traces the major trends in reform, including the Olmstead decision and subsequent move toward home and community-based services; the promulgation of Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS); and a focus on “dual eligibles”.
What Works...Alabama's AmeriCorps Project: Leveraging Resources to Support Increased Community Outreach and Enrollment Alabama’s Department of Senior Services (ADSS) launched a project to promote civil service by integrating AmeriCorps Members into its State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) and Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) Program. This innovative means to increase benefits assistance and enrollment has proven successful, especially for programs such as Medicare Savings Programs (MSP). This report describes AmeriCorps programs generally as well as the positive results of ADSS’s AmeriCorps project.
Strengthening the Aging Network Issue Brief: Older Americans Act Cost Sharing States administering the Older Americans Act (OAA) have the option of providing recipients with a choice to cost share when using services. This brief explains the stipulations and parameters surrounding cost sharing – what OAA services allow or prohibit cost sharing and under what circumstances must services be provided when clients are unable to pay the cost share.
Preliminary Analysis of the Continuing Resolution for FY11 The federal government reached a compromise to the budget crisis for fiscal year 2011 (FY11) with a bill consisting of billions in cuts to discretionary spending. This analysis of the Continuing Resolution (CR) for FY11 discusses the inconsistent allocation of funding and provides descriptions of the appropriated amounts for different departments and programs, especially those impacting the aging and disability network. The report is complemented by a budget table showing the amount of funds.
President’s Budget Proposal Fiscal Year 2013 President Obama’s proposed budget outlines the Administration’s fiscal and program priorities for FY13. ADvancing States’s preliminary analysis is framed by an interest in aging and disability program funding. The analysis reveals the proposal’s requests for food and nutrition services, independent living, caregiver support, protection of vulnerable adults, and Medicare and Medicaid. The accompanying chart shows the President’s FY12 and FY13 requests for relevant aging and disability programs.
2012 Survey on Medicaid Funded Long Term Services and Supports A February 2012 online survey consisting of 30 questions was sent to all states and focused on three topics: consumer-directed personal care services; assessments and care plan changes; and case management. The survey results provide information about respondent states’ practices regarding Medicaid funded LTSS. Consumer-directed care was found to be provided majorly through waivers; most assessments contracted out; and case management paid for as a service rather than administrative cost.
Silver Alert Initiatives in the States: Protecting Seniors with Cognitive Impairments A Silver Alert program establishes a notification system to alert the public of missing persons who are elderly or have cognitive impairments. This report identifies which states have Silver Alert programs, those that do not, and those with pending legislation. This report provides a brief summary of the legislations that established programs in certain states, the agencies administering the program, and the program requirements for initiating an alert.
Supporting the Information Needs of Private Paying Consumers: Examining the Capacity of Aging Network Consumer Information Programs The aging services network is critical for those navigating the “information maze” in order to make informed decisions about long-term services and supports (LTSS). But most of these services do not target the majority of Americans who are private paying consumers. Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) are one service that aims to increase the level of services offered to private payers. This report includes the results of a survey measuring ADRCs’ engagement with private payers.
Medicaid Enrollment Process: Results of January 2012 Mini-Survey This survey was sent to all states and consisted of three questions regarding the enrollment of Medicaid providers of home and community-based services. Of the 23 states that responded, the results highlight different enrollment procedures and opportunities for HCBS providers and varying agency oversight. The results show that Medicaid HCBS provider enrollment oversight varies by state, the majority reporting that the Medicaid agency, as opposed to the state aging agency, manages the process.
Medicare’s Preventive Services Preventive services is one way of cutting down health care costs, as well as detecting health issues early. Medicare beneficiaries have access to many preventive services, including cancer screenings, glaucoma screenings, certain immunizations, etc. This fact sheet provides an overview and chart of the different preventive services available to Medicare enrollees, outlining the different services covered under the different Medicare plans or “parts”, especially Medicare Part B.
