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  • ADvancing States 2016 Policy Priorities: Aging and Disabilities in America

    ADvancing States has released the association’s 2016 policy priorities. The priorities document outlines issues and recommendations regarding a wide range of health and human services programs important to older adults and people with disabilities. These include issues such as:
    • Implementation of the Older Americans Act reauthorization;
    • Medicaid LTSS innovations;
    • Support for caregivers; and
    • Employment for people with disabilities
  • Caregivers in America Infographic

    The ADvancing States, in partnership with the National Alliance for Caregiving, created an infographic that depicts an overview of statistics on the experiences of caregivers in the United States, documenting their growing contributions to providing care to older adults and persons with disabilities in light of limited resources for caregiver services.
  • Promising Practice Tip Sheet: Increasing ADRC Employees’ Awareness of Medicare “Help” Programs

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to provide promising practices to help agencies increase the number of
    Medicare Savings Program and Low Income Subsidy applications. This tip sheet features an ADRC in South Carolina that uses two different practices internally to ensure that all of their staff is aware of the income eligibility numbers for MSP and LIS programs.
  • Promising Practices Tip Sheet: Increasing Outreach by Building Partnerships

    The purpose of this tip sheet is to provide promising practices to help agencies increase the number of
    Medicare Savings Program and Low Income Subsidy applications.
  • An Overview and Anaylsis of the Affordable Care Act

    These documents are summaries of Key Provisions in the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” (HR 3590) as amended by the “Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010” (HR 4872). They offer comprehensive charts with analyses and information about rulemaking from the Affordable Care Act.
  • Disability in America Infographic

    This infographic shows an overview of the current statistics pertaining to experiences of individuals with disabilities that are living in the United States.
  • Celebrating 50 Years with 50+ Fabulous Older People

    This year, the Older Americans Act (OAA) celebrates its 50th year—a
    golden jubilee for seniors and communities across the country. For
    this occasion, ADvancing States and Altarum Institute’s Center for Elder Care
    and Advanced Illness (CECAI) honor outstanding older adults who
    both volunteer for and benefit from the law’s programs. This booklet
    highlights the myriad ways that seniors make the United States a great
    place in which to live, work, and grow old.
    Email for a hard copy.
  • Aging in America Infographic

    This infographic depicts the statistics on the increasing needs of Older Americans in the United States and also the lack of funding for these services.

  • 2015 State of the States in Aging and Disabilities

    The results of the annual survey represent a snapshot of the current status of state government employees, the agencies that administer the programs, and the services that are provided. The 2015 survey revealed that states are continuing to address the same underlying challenges discussed in the previous reports.The report also includes summary tables that outline specific information about each individual state agency and LTSS program. Email to request a hard copy version.
  • Medicaid HCBS Settings Regulations and Adult Services

    This report details results of a survey administered to Adult Service providers to learn more about the locations, funding sources, and supports that these programs provide to seniors and people with disabilities. The report demonstrates how Adult Services include a wide array of services, including a combination of social and medical supports. ADvancing States is concerned that new CMS regulations may reduce the number of available providers in the Medicaid program.