
Short Name: 

Sustainable Partnerships: Forging Relationships that Last

Event Description: 

The focus of this second TBI Tuesday session will be Sustainable Partnerships. The session will feature several TBI State Partnership Program (SPP) grantees (Georgia, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Tennessee) who will share the work of the Sustainable Partnership SPP Workgroup, including two workgroup products (Success Story and Tip Sheet). ACL will also discuss how to build capacity to better serve people with TBI through partnerships within and between states.

Outreach to All: Brain Injury within Underserved Populations

Event Description: 
The kickoff TBI Tuesday session will focus on Underserved Populations. Reyma McCoy-McDeid, the newly appointed Commissioner of ACL's Administration on Disabilities will provide opening remarks. Two TBI State Partnership Program state grantees (Oregon and West Virginia) will introduce the Rural Outreach Toolkit and a person with TBI will share their outreach experience. You will also hear from ACL's federal partner from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (invited) regarding rural and frontier populations.

Pathways to Economic Security: Bringing All Voices to the Table

Event Description: 

The Academy’s 33rd annual policy conference will be held virtually on March 2 – 4, 2021. Participants in Pathways to Economic Security: Bringing All Voices to the Table will unpack the latest policy proposals being discussed by federal and state officials, as well as policies that could be elevated further, such as universal basic income, a refundable child tax credit, and federalizing unemployment insurance.

Aging Well for All: 2021 Public Policy Priorities for Older Adults

Event Description: 

Our nation has a new Administration, a new Congress, and an ongoing health and economic crisis. Now is the time for bold policy action. The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the systemic disparities that leave too many Americans behind without the resources to age with dignity. 2021 offers a unique opportunity to address these inequities through public policy.

Public and Private Guardianship in Virginia and Protection of Individuals under Virginia Guardianship La

Event Description: 

The webinar will discuss the differences between public and private guardianship in Virginia, as well as the fundamentals of the legal process for appointing a guardian. As part of this discussion Patti will highlight some of the protections the law provides to individuals who are the subject of a legal proceeding for the appointment of a guardian.

Presenter: Patti G. Meire, Esq.Coordinator Public Guardian and Conservator Program Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services

COVID-19 and its Impact on Elder Fraud & Abuse

Event Description: 
With more seniors experiencing the emotional impacts of isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic, grifters are monopolizing on new and varied opportunities to manipulate and cheat seniors out of valuable information, their identities and money. This seminar will examine some of the scams and tactics used by criminals to take advantage of this vulnerable population.

Addressing Social Isolation Through Senior Housing During COVID-19

Event Description: 
Senior housing offers a space for older adults to engage and connect with their fellow residents and build a sense of community. While the pandemic has called for physical distancing, the Aging Network has found creative ways to continue offering opportunities for engagement to address social isolation. Join this webinar to hear from the American Association of Service Coordinators, Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Inc. and Atlanta Regional Commission.

Complex Care Management for People Living with Dementia

Event Description: 

People living with dementia are at a higher risk for institutionalization. For those who live alone, the risk is even greater. Community based supports and services can help people age in place for as long, and as safely as possible. In this presentation, case studies will show how complex chronic care management bridges medical and social care services for at risk populations, and specifically, for people living alone with dementia who have limited resources.


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