Bridging the Digital Divide for HCBS Beneficiaries (Part I)
Elevate CBOs Webinar Series: Grants 101
SAMHSA’s Office of Behavioral Health Equity is hosting a webinar for community-based organizations (CBOs) serving under-resourced minority and LBGT populations. The event will provide an overview of SAMHSA's grant application process, clarify grant application submission requirements, and include a Q&A session. "Elevate CBOs” is the Office of Behavioral Health Equity's initiative to build capacity, increase visibility, and highlight the unique role of CBOs serving under-resourced communities in behavioral health. Speaker Dr. Beverly Vayhinger has a Ph.D in Counseling Psychology.
Envision I&R E-Conference
Medicaid Forward
How to Use Self-Direction to Solve Interruptions in Care
Help to Reduce Social Isolation and Loneliness
Many older adults feel socially isolated and lonely, which leaves them vulnerable to related health problems such as cognitive decline, depression, and heart disease. Join NIA experts for a Facebook Live Q&A to learn how social isolation impacts your health and how to stay more connected. To increase awareness of this issue, NIA invites you to join them in discussion and resource-sharing to help older adults stay connected and well.
Maximizing the Effectiveness of Advisory Boards Through Full Participation
Justice for All: Serving Individuals with Brain Injury Across the Justice System
Return to Learn: Equal Access to Education for Students with Brain Injury
The third TBI Tuesday session will focus on Return to Learn following brain injury. The session will begin with a panel of TBI State Partnership Program (SPP) grantees (Oregon and Pennsylvania) who will discuss Return to Learn initiatives. Participants will hear from a concussion expert and an individual with a TBI, who will share their return to learn experience. ACLwill also lead a discussion with session participants about the pros and cons of state legislation on Return to Learn.