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Person-Centered Practices in Schools from New Jersey

Event Description: 
Students, parents and educators from the John F. Kennedy (JFK) School in Newark, NJ, have been on a journey to explore the use of person-centered approaches in their school. They are one of many schools that are part of a statewide project called Person-Centered Approaches in Schools and Transition (PCAST) led by the Boggs Center for Developmental Disabilities at Rutgers University. In this webinar you will hear from a dynamic panel at JFK that consists of students, parents, educators, and administrators.

Improving Social Connection Among People with Disabilities

Event Description: 

Even prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation and loneliness were identified as significant public health concerns, placing people at higher risk for serious medical conditions. Research conducted during the pandemic indicates that people with disabilities may be at an increased risk of social isolation and loneliness. This webinar will highlight current research on social isolation and loneliness for people with disabilities. Presenters will also share strategies for social engagement and connection from the Center for Independent Living network.

MHDD Webinar 3/23: Supported Decision Making: What It Is and How to Make It Work

Event Description: 

While Supported Decision Making has become increasingly recognized as an option for decision-making support, there remains much work to be done to foster the widespread use of SDM in the day to day lives of people with disabilities. This session will explore practical strategies for working directly with people who have disabilities to develop the skills and experience needed for decision-making.

How Health Systems Can Meaningfully Partner with Community Members: Case Studies from Minneapolis and Los Angeles

Event Description: 
Health care organizations are increasingly looking for ways to meaningfully partner with community members to better address specific community needs and priorities, especially for people with complex health and social needs. Health systems, however, may face a number of challenges when engaging with individuals and communities, including: structural racism that has led to systemic power imbalances between health systems and the communities they serve; lack of trust; and uncertainty of how to incorporate the feedback provided.


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