Value, Outcome and Performance-Based Payment Methodologies Webinar 1
Welcome to Medicare Virtual Fair
The 2021 VGCA Virtual Conference
Emergency Broadband Benefit Webinar
Building Capacity in the Direct Service Workforce: Moving Forward From the Summit
Strategies to Combat Social Isolation and Increase Support for Caregivers and People Living with Dementia
RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council Virtual Full Council Meeting
Community Health Workers: A Key Support For People Living With Dementia And Their Caregivers
In this webinar, attendees will learn about two programs that use community health workers to help achieve program goals. Community health workers provide support services to people living with dementia and their caregivers, including home wellness and safety checks, helping the community understand and access services, and lead dementia-focused interventions. Studies have shown that community health workers can improve health outcomes and decrease hospitalizations.
Strengths-Based Planning for Worst-Case Scenarios: Person-Centered Planning in Disaster Preparedness
Join NCAPPS' webinar to learn what person-centered planning for disasters looks like, and how we can ensure that disaster responses are as person-centered as possible. In this panel, experts will describe what NCAPPS has learned from recent events regarding the pandemic so they can be better equipped to respond to future disasters in a person-centered manner. Experts will also weigh in on the difference between personal planning and community planning.