
Short Name: 

Referrals and Interventions for Older Adults with Food Insecurity

Event Description: 

Join ACL’s Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs (ONHPP) for an upcoming webinar as part of their Food Insecurity Education Series: Referrals and Interventions for Older Adults with Food Insecurity. When older adults are experiencing food insecurity it is important to refer them to the proper services and community-based organizations. This webinar will discuss referring practices within the Older Americans Act and other organizations as well as explain “warm handoff” referral engagement.


Opening the Door: Importance of Great Person-Centered Conversations on Employment

Event Description: 

Person-centered conversations around employment can help people who use LTSS make informed decisions about their work. These conversations help individuals and their support networks learn about their options and find employment opportunities. In recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, this webinar co-hosted by NCAPPS and the State Employment Leadership Network (SELN) will highlight successful person-centered approaches and tools for discussing employment.

Involving Community Partners in Data and Policy Initiatives to Advance Health Equity

Event Description: 

This panel discussion will explore how state agencies, CBOs, and community members in Arizona, Utah, and Washington State are partnering to advance health equity through data sharing and policy reform activities. Participants will learn about opportunities to meaningfully partner with community members to promote health equity at the state and local levels.

Speakers include:

OAA Title IIID Coordinator Convening: Program Selection Process

Event Description: 

SUA Title III-D coordinators are invited to join the next virtual convening of OAA Title III-D Coordinators on October 11, 2022 for a peer discussion on best practices for selecting evidence-based programs for delivery using Title III-D funds. Participants will hear from two states who will present their processes for reviewing and approving programs not in the NCOA Pre-Approved Program Database. In addition, an online one-stop shop for OAA Title III-D resources, FAQs, etc. will be shared.

Medicare Part D Basics & 2022 Updates

Event Description: 

People with Medicare get their prescription drugs though the Medicare Part D program. This program is separate from the parts of Medicare that provide recipients with hospital and medical coverage. During this training, speakers will provide share information and updates on Medicare Part D, with emphasis on how the program works for low income consumers. This training will provide an overview of:

How to Get More Out of Your Medicare and Social Security Benefits

Event Description: 

AARP is hosting a free online education event for the public about Medicare and Social Security. This event promotes the trusted and unbiased Medicare expertise of the State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIPs). SHIP Medicare experts will offer short one-on-one counseling sessions throughout the event. They will also lead large group sessions about Medicare. Anyone interested can attend. 

Medicare topics that SHIPs will address:

How Data and Technology Can Improve Medicaid Programs

Event Description: 

In this webinar, panelists will discuss how digital transformation and technology can improve Medicaid and provide better outcomes for beneficiaries. Speakers will explain what is being done to build monitoring and oversight systems, and discuss the tools and practices led by researchers and data scientists at Mathematica. Topics of the webinar will include efforts to improve state data quality and how to use analytic models and interactive data visualization to help policymakers and administrators improve their current programs. 

How Data and Technology Can Improve Medicaid Programs

Event Description: 

In this webinar, panelists will discuss how digital transformation and technology can improve Medicaid and provide better outcomes for beneficiaries. Speakers will explain what is being done to build monitoring and oversight systems, and discuss the tools and practices led by researchers and data scientists at Mathematica. Topics of the webinar will include efforts to improve state data quality and how to use analytic models and interactive data visualization to help policymakers and administrators improve their current programs. 


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