American Society on Aging
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The American Society on Aging is hosting a webinar on the current climate of ageism in America. A call for research is the best way to move forward with combating ageism in our society. The webinar will present the current research agenda which addresses the following issues: the pressing need to understand the role ageism plays in workforce participation and performance; the ways in which ageism may limit the effectiveness of interventions to improve health in older populations; and, failure in much scientific research to differentiate between pathological and normal aging, thus producing overly negative conclusions about the effects of aging. The webinar will be presented by Laura L Carstensen and Sarah Raposo. Laura L Carstensen, Ph.D is a Fairleigh S. Dickinson Jr. Professor of Public Policy at Stanford University and director of the Stanford Center on Longevity and Sarah Raposo, B.A., is a doctoral candidate in the psychology department at Stanford University. Complimentary CEUs are available for participants and registration is required.