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Helping People with Disabilities Get the Healthcare Coverage They Need

This webinar will feature a representative from the White House Office of Public Engagement on healthcare coverage outreach and enrollment for people with disabilities. The presentation will serve as a re-introduction to the National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative (NDNRC) and will engage participants to think about what questions a person with a disability needs to consider when examining their health care options in the ACA Marketplace.

Implementing the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act and the National Governors Association's "Better Bottom Line: Employing People with Disabilities"; Lessons from the Front Line

The webinar will feature Secretary of the Deleware Department of Health and Social Services Rita Landgraf. As Secretary, Landgradf oversees one of the largest departments in the Delaware government, with an annual budget of over $1 billion. Her work is on the cutting edge of best practices, offering proven models that other states can follow in their own implementation in order to achieve win-win-win solutions for people with disabilities, employers, and taxpayers alike.

Involuntary Transfer and Discharge from Nursing Homes: Prevention, Advocacy, and Appeals

This webinar will discuss strategies and best practices for preventing and advocating for residents facing involuntary discharge from a nursing home. Panelists will consider how those strategies and best practices apply if the resident is in an assisted living facility. The agenda includes a review of best practices for supporting residents and families, identifying legal support, appealing discharge notices, and more.
• Eric Carlson, Co-Directing Attorney, National Senior Citizens Law Center


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