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Webinar: FEMA Region II Preparedness: Preparedness Planning for Senior Citizen Communities

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The Federal Emergency Management Agency is offering a webinar on hurricane and emergency preparedness. Older adults face unique challenges when a natural disaster occurs, and recovering from these emergencies often depends on prior planning and preparation. Presenters include Kathlen Otte, Regional Administrator for HHS Regions 1 and 2, and Rhonda Schwartz, Aging Services Program Specialist, ACL.

Webinar: Providing Person-Centered Transportation Information to Older Adults and People with Disabilities

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The National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) will be holding their second Transportation I&R webinar on Wednesday, August 23, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ET. This webinar will include a discussion of how communities can address the challenge of providing better access to comprehensive transportation information. Information about transportation options for older adults, people with disabilities, and family caregivers is often scattered among several organizations, requiring numerous phone calls to piece together the complete picture.

Disability Business Acumen Webinar: From Mission to Fruition: Developing your Relationships with Payers

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Community Based Organizations (CBO) seeking to sell or deliver services to health plans and other payers must evaluate their market, understand their value proposition and target services to needs. This activity requires CBOs to gather information that will provide insight and a new perspective on potential opportunities. Successful organizations will use that information to creatively adapt to the environment they are working within.

Webinar: Ticket to Work and Work Incentives – A Two-Part Series Part 1: Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Event Description: 

The Social Security Administration is hosting a webinar to talk about Social Security programs and Work Incentives available to people who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Presenters from Social Security will discuss:

  • How to identify the type of disability benefit you receive by going online;
  • Work Incentives that are available to you if you receive SSI benefits; and
  • Social Security's Ticket to Work program.

Webinar: Managing Social Determinants of Health: A Framework for Identifying, Addressing Disparities in Medicaid Populations

Event Description: 

Health Management Associates is hosting a webinar on understanding the impact social determinants of health have on Medicaid populations. Medicaid programs are increasingly beginning to analyze social determinants of health as potential causes of health disparities. Presenters include Ellen Breslin and Anissa Lambertino of HMA, Dennis Heaphy of the Disability Policy Consortium, and independent consultant Tony Dreyfus. Learning objectives for this webinar include:

Webinar: Strengthening Support: An Overview of Framing Research on Elder Abuse

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The FrameWorks Institute is hosting a webinar about the framing recommendations they developed for communicating about elder abuse. This webinar will discuss the recommendations, and summarize the capacity building tools they have developed for changing the public conversation about elder abuse and raising the salience of the issue.

Webinar: In-Kind Support Maintenance

Event Description: 

Justice in Aging is hosting a webinar to discuss the in-kind support and maintenance (ISM) rule. This rule would effect a person, for instance, who receives shelter and food from a friend or family member they live with. In many cases, this rule would cause Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits to decrease from $735 to $490 per month. The ISM rule causes much confusion for recipients, advocates, and the Social Security Administration (SSA). This webinar will explore the ins and outs of ISM, provide examples of how the rule works, and offer strategies for dealing with the rule.

Webinar: Identifying and Supporting Dementia Caregivers in Healthcare Settings

Event Description: 

The National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center is hosting a webinar on supporting dementia caregivers in healthcare settings. In order to provide care and improve outcomes for persons living with dementia, efforts are underway in healthcare settings to better engage family caregivers in the development of care plans and the delivery of care. The hope is that these efforts will lead to improved health outcomes for people with dementia and their caregivers.


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