
Short Name: 

Medicare Advantage and Supplemental Benefits: New Data and Principles for Implementation

Event Description: 

This webinar will provide an overview of the new Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill (SSBCI) authorized through the CHRONIC Care Act. The webinar will discuss how they differ from traditional benefits and review principles for implementation. Presenters will cover plan benefit data to help participants understand the supplemental benefits MA plans are offering in 2020.

Census 2020 & Older Adults: Reaching the Hard to Reach

Event Description: 

This webinar will discuss the importance of counting everyone in the 2020 Census. The presenters will discuss how the Census will impact essential services for older adults and their families. During the webinar, participants will learn how government agencies, nonprofits, advocacy organizations, and philanthropy are educating communities and working to include everyone.


DOL Final Rule Open Q&A

Event Description: 

Applied Self-Direction previously held a webinar analyzing the DOL Final Rule on Joint Employment and how it impacts self-direction. As a result of the numerous questions asked during this webinar, ASD is hosting a follow-up event where the organization will spend a full hour answering questions.

Have questions now for the Open Q&A? Please send your questions to info@appliedselfdirection.com. Questions for the Open Q&A may be submitted in advance, or during the session.

Funding APS: Common & Less-Common Sources

Event Description: 

ACL's Adult Protective Services Technical Assistance Resource Center (APS TARC) is hosting a webinar to review various potential funding sources for APS. During this webinar, participants will learn about Social Service Block Grant (SSBG) and Medicaid Administrative Claiming. Presenters will also discuss their experiences securing Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funding and will highlight challenges associated with using VOCA funding for APS.


Critical Incident Management: Core Elements to Enhance Your Approach

Event Description: 
States operating Medicaid waiver programs, as well as other programs, are required to safeguard consumers against critical incidents such as abuse, neglect, exploitation, and unexplained death. While states have different approaches for managing critical incidents; there are key elements that every state should have to better protect its citizens from harm and to reduce the state from liability.

Supported Decision-Making for Older Adults

Event Description: 

ADvancing States is hosting a webinar, Supported Decision-Making for Older Adults. Join us as Rebekah Diller, Clinical Professor of Law at Cardozo School of Law, and Morgan Whitlatch, Legal Director at Quality Trust, discuss supported decision-making for older adults. The panelists will go over the basics of supported decision-making and provide practical examples on how to advance its use in the lives of for older adults. Tools and tips from this webinar can help older adults in care planning.

Aging With Cerebral Palsy: Health Outcomes and Management

Event Description: 

This webinar will provide an overview of the types of secondary conditions that adults with Cerebral Palsy are most at risk for. During this webinar, participants will learn about practical steps that adults with Cerebral Palsy can take to manage their health as they age. Participants will also learn about the role of patient advocates and healthcare providers in this process.



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