In-person Meeting

Short Name: 

Town Hall Meeting and Training

Event Description: 

The U.S. Access Board is hosting a town hall meeting on May 21 in Indianapolis to provide an open forum to allow people pose questions to the Board or share comments or concerns about accessibility for people with disabilities. There also will be panel discussions with area speakers on accessible recreation and outdoor environments, the Indiana AgrAbility Project, and local compliance initiatives under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

State of the Science and Annual Disability Statistics Compendium Event

Event Description: 

The Employment Policy and Measurement Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (EPM-RRTC) State of the Science Conference will be held on Tuesday, February 12, 2019. Following this event, the Annual Disability Statistics Compendium Event on Wednesday, February 13. These events are both held in Washington DC and offer both in-person and webcast participation options.  The agenda, presenters, and logon procedures (for web viewers) will be emailed to attendees as they become available.

Registration for this event is free.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Stakeholder Day

Event Description: 

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is observing Brain Injury Awareness Month by holding Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Stakeholder Day on March 12, 2019. ACL’s TBI Stakeholder Day is an opportunity for members of the TBI community to discuss important issues related to TBI with other stakeholders, brain injury survivors, family members, support networks, and state and federal representatives.

Elder Justice Coordinating Council Meeting

Event Description: 

The Elder Justice Coordinating Council (EJCC) coordinates activities related to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation across the federal government. Council members include the leaders of federal departments, agencies, and entities administering programs related to abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation. EJCC has announced that they will hold their final meeting in 2018 on Thursday, December 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ET.

Home Safety & Modification Webinar, Part 1: Creating Better Homes for Aging in Place

Event Description: 
NCOA is co-hosting a two part webinar with the University of Southern California Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. This series will discuss the role of home safety and home modification in preventing falls among older adults. The webinar will provide an overview of the fundamentals of home safety and modification, review funding sources, and cover practical resources to keep older adults safe in their homes.

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Stakeholder Open Door Forum

Event Description: 
CMS will be hosting a national call on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET to solicit stakeholder feedback on Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) implementation. This opportunity is in keeping with the Sense of Congress language in H.R. 6042, indicating that CMS should “convene at least one public meeting in 2018 for the purpose of soliciting ongoing feedback from Medicaid stakeholders on guidance issued May 16, 2018 regarding electronic visit verification”. 

NEVVA Fall Meeting

Event Description: 

Join key State stakeholders and Electronic Visit Verification industry leaders for an informative and interactive discussion on current EVV requirements, findings and implementations. Jen Burnett from Health Management Associates will provide an overview of the Electronic Visit Verification market, followed by an update on the federal policy requirements from Damon Terzaghi, Senior Director of Medicaid Policy and Planning at ADvancing States. 

National Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day

Event Description: 

SAMHSA and the Administration for Community Living, together with the National Coalition on Mental Health and Aging, are hosting the first National Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day. This discussion is designed to raise public awareness about the mental health of older Americans and spur action to address the needs of this population. Watch a panel of experts discuss evidence-based approaches to mental health and substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery supports for older adults, and encourage collaboration between the mental health and aging networks.


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