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Long-Term Services and Supports Open Door Forum

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is holding an upcoming Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Open Door Forum that will focus on Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS). The integration of LTSS and associated beneficiary protections into the Medicaid managed care regulatory will be discussed. The “open door forums” are hosted to provide an opportunity for live dialogue and foster strong collaboration between CMS and the stakeholder community at large.

Iowa Conference on Aging and Disabilities

ADvancing States is proud to be sponsoring a National Aging and Disabilities Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, May 23-May 26. This conference will draw speakers from over 30 states. Participants will join us from federal, state government, and local organizations. This is an opportunity to meet service providers, advocacy groups, state staff, managed care organizations, CMS officials, and national association staff to share questions, opportunities, and ideas in thoughtful discussions.

2016 AAIDD National Conference

Registration now open for the AAIDD 2016 National Conference being held in Atlanta, June 6-9, 2016 at the downtown Sheraton Hotel. The conference theme is "The Meaning of Professional in an Era of Change". The conference features seven pre-conference workshops on Monday, June 6, an opening reception featuring Georgia Luminaries in the disability movement, three plenary sessions exploring the role and meaning of “professional” from the perspectives of building inclusive communities, parents, siblings, self advocates, and a presidential address.

Annual Conference on Independent Living

The National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) is hosting the Annual Conference on Independent Living. NCIL’s Annual Conference on Independent Living draws individuals of all ages and disabilities from all 50 states. Last year’s Conference was the biggest ever, with over 1,500 people coming together in Washington, DC to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the ADA, to hear from the leaders of Generation ADA, and to advance justice and equality for people with disabilities.

38th annual AIRS I&R Training and Education Conference

Registration is open for the 38th annual AIRS I&R Training and Education Conference to be held May 22-25, 2016, in St. Louis, Missouri. Register by April 1 for the early bird rate. The National I&R Support Center welcomes aging and disability I&R/A professionals to join us in St. Louis for the National Aging and Disability Information and Referral Symposium held during the AIRS Conference.

Managed Care Academy at the 2016 Aging in America Conference

Event Description: 
The aging services landscape is evolving in a new era of integrated delivery networks. To address this organizational shift, the American Society on Aging ASA will introduce its new Managed Care Academy Series of programs at the Aging America Conference next March 20-24. Attend the ASA Managed Care Academy Series, and return to your organization with new knowledge, replicable new models, and new contacts to help you along in your own journey of organizational reframing, relevance and sustainability.

Case Management Society of America 2015 Annual Conference & Expo

The Case Management Society of America is hosting their Annual Conference & Expo in Long Beach, California this June. This event is targeted for case workers, new and old, to come together to collaborate with peers, develop new skills, and learn innovative techniques and practices. Dr. Eric Coleman, MD, MPH; Dr. Josh Luke, Fache; Valorie Burton; and Robert Priest will be the keynote speakers for the conference. Continuing education credits are available for certain sessions, price varies depending on the credit.

American Society on Aging Leadership Institute

The American Society on Aging is hosting a Leadership Institute to run concurrently with their Aging in America Conference. The ASA Leadership Institute is a five day leadership development intensive that offers self-assessments of communication and leadership styles, presentations by recognized leaders in the field of aging, facilitated dialogue, networking opportunities, leadership literature and online learning.


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