
A Day, A Week, A Year. A Life- Family Caregivers on the Front Lines

Event Description: 

Join Applied Self Direction for the next webinar in their Self Direction From Your Desk Webinar series with a session hearing directly from family caregivers. During the COVID-19 public health emergency, many states took advantage of Appendix K flexibility to address the caregiving crisis and allow flexibilities in family caregiving. This session will present real-life experience of family caregivers and share policies that support those caregivers. 

Self-Direct Sustainability Planning: What Happens When a Caregiver is No Longer Capable or Alive to Administer the Self-Direct Model of Care

Event Description: 

Join Applied Self Direction for the next webinar in their Self Direction From Your Desk webinar series.  This webinar will give participants an opportunity to learn from experts and engage in a frank conversation on the sustainability of the self-directed service model from the perspective of families and family caregivers. 

The webinar will take place on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET 

HCBS Webinar: Getting the Services You Need from the Waiver- Participant Direction

Event Description: 

Join the Administration for Community Living for the next webinar in their series on strengthening advocacy in home and community-based services. The webinar will review Appendix E and participant directed models of HCBS. Participants will hear innovative new approaches to participant directed care, and how stakeholders can have an impact on the application of that care. 


  • Nancy Thaler, ACL 

  • Katherin Murray, Applied Self Direction 

Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day Symposium

Event Description: 

Join NCOA for their 6th annual Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day Symposium. The symposium will spotlight the needs of older adults who are frequently overlooked in conversation about mental health. Attendees have the option to attend sessions on a range of topics, including the impact of COVID-19 on older adult mental health, the link between chronic pain and mental health, and supports for caregivers caring for older adults with mental health needs.


The event will take place on Thursday, May 11, 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET

Webinar on Advance Planning Basics for Advocates

Event Description: 

The National Center on Law & Elder Rights will host a webinar titled “Advance Planning Basics: An Overview for Advocates”. The webinar will provide advocates with an overview of common advance planning tools, including powers of attorney, health care proxies, and supported decision-making agreements, explore tools for describing personal goals, values and wishes to create guidance for decision support, share strategies to help older adults select and empower trusted supporters for health care, personal and financial matters, and other information and resources.

How are State Medicaid Programs Approaching the Unwinding of the Federal Continuous Enrollment Provision?

Event Description: 

On Thursday, March 16, 2023, KFF will host an hour-long web briefing focused on how state Medicaid programs are approaching the unwinding of the Federal continuous enrollment provision. The web event will feature a presentation of findings from KFF’s 21st annual survey of state Medicaid eligibility, enrollment, and renewal policies, conducted with Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families. A panel of federal and state experts will provide their perspectives.

The Future of SDOH: How Community Care Hubs Can Help Transform Social Care

Event Description: 

Join WellSky for a webinar addressing the future of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and how Community Care Hubs (CCHs) across the country are forming to centralize the delivery of social care. The webinar will examine new Medicaid waivers and contract requirements, encourage the creations of CCHs, review best practices for collaboration between managed care organizations, community based organizations and CCHs and more. 

The webinar will take place Wednesday, March 22, 2023 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. 

Person-Centered Approaches to Supporting Dignity of Risk for People with Disabilities

Event Description: 

Join NCAPPS for a webinar exploring the dignity of risk. Dignity of risk is the idea that taking reasonable risks is essential to supporting autonomy for people with disabilities, balancing the need for autonomy while keeping a person's health and welfare in mind. Participants will hear from providers, national experts, people with lived experience, and state representatives as they examine best practices for addressing and assessing risk through a person-centered lens. 


Person- Centered Methods for Expanding Self- Determination in Provider Directed Services

Event Description: 

Join NCAPPS for a webinar all about the importance of self determination in Home and Community Based Services (HCBS). The webinar will explore strategies and resources to assist HCBS providers on how to expand their self-determination processes and deep dive into the NCAPPS Human Services Provider Agency Toolkit for Self-Determination. 


  • Kenny Bedtka 

  • Sahra Hussein 

  • Jeff Keilson 


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