
Trauma Informed Care for People Living with Dementia

Event Description: 

The American Society on Aging is hosting a webinar on trauma informed care for people living with dementia, as part of the National Alzheimer's and Dementia Resource Center webinar series sponsored by the Administration for Community Living. Speakers will discuss principles of trauma-informed care as they apply to dementia in Veterans and Holocaust survivors. Presenters will also share resources for applying trauma-informed care principles in various settings.

Participants in the webinar will be able to: 

No Wrong Door: Supporting Community Living for Veterans AARP Promising Practice Webinar

Event Description: 

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is hosting a webinar to highlight promising practices for the aging and disability networks, Veterans Affairs Medical Centers, and Veterans Benefits Offices to forge partnerships and better support community living for veterans. During the webinar staff from ACL, the AARP Public Policy Institute, the VA Medical Center, a State Unit on Aging, and an Area Agency on Aging will present information about promising practices and how they can be replicated.

Speakers Include:

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Event Description: 

Every year on June 15, we observe World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). This is an opportunity to raise awareness of elder abuse and neglect, and to continue to commit to preserving the rights of older adults. In the lead up to WEAAD, ACL and ACL and the National Center on Elder Abuse have planned many activities and developed several resources.

Supporting Community Based Organizations in their Move to Managed Care: One Health Plan’s Experience

Event Description: 

Managed long term services and supports (MLTSS) for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) provides opportunities to increase home and community based services (HCBS), promote employment and community integration and increase quality and efficiency. All of which could improve the lives of people with I/DD. However, the use of MLTSS programs for people with I/DD is still relatively new.

The Age-Friendly Health Systems Initiative

Event Description: 

The Aging and Disability Business Institute at n4a is hosting a webinar for presenters to discuss their efforts and how to move age-friendly health systems (AFHS) forward through innovative partnerships. An age-friendly health system is one that ensures older adults get the best care possible across the continuum, reduces healthcare-related harms, ensures patient satisfaction, and delivers true value.

Participants will be able to:

2018 Healthy Aging Summit

Event Description: 

This year’s Healthy Aging Summit will take place in Washington, DC from July 16 to July 17. This event will provide information about the latest on preventing disease and maximizing health in older Americans. The 2018 Healthy Aging Summit goals are to:

  • Explore the science on healthy aging;
  • Identify knowledge gaps;
  • Promote prevention;  and
  • Support people aging in place and in their community.

The OAA Meal is Part of the Equation: A Conversation with Lance Robertson, ACL Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging

Event Description: 

The National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging (NRCNA), within Meals on Wheels America, is hosting an upcoming webinar in celebration of National Nutrition Month. Every year since 1973, March has been a month to appreciate and celebrate how good nutrition positively affects Americans. The Meal is Only Part of the Equation is the theme for the 2018 National Nutrition Month Observation. The Older Americans Act (OAA) Nutrition Programs represent the largest federally funded nutrition program exclusively for older adults, providing participants with much more than just a meal.

No Wrong Door Medicaid Workbook and Tools Webinar

Event Description: 

The Administration for Community Living is hosting a webinar to provide tips on navigating the No Wrong Door Medicaid Administrative Claiming Workbook and Toolkit and to feature states that are currently claiming. This toolkit can help guide states through the process of implementing Medicaid claiming. It offers downloadable tools and templates, including PowerPoint presentations to help engage partners and stakeholders, a cost simulator, claiming code guidance, cost allocation spreadsheets, and more.

Highlights of Disability Data from the 2018 Prosperity Now Scorecard

Event Description: 

The National Disability Institute and Prosperity Now are hosting a webinar to discuss the findings of the 2018 Prosperity Now Scorecard including, for the first time, data specifically on the financial health of people with disabilities. The Prosperity Now Scorecard is a resource for data on household financial health and policy recommendations to help put everyone in our country on a path to prosperity.

2018 National HCBS Conference

Event Description: 

Even while facing new challenges, reduced budgets, and growing demand for HCBS services, states continue to effectively engage and serve their citizens. The National Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Conference highlights these achievements, allowing states to share innovative programs, present unique partnerships, and recognize the work of their peers.


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