
Critical Incident Management: Core Elements to Enhance Your Approach

Event Description: 
States operating Medicaid waiver programs, as well as other programs, are required to safeguard consumers against critical incidents such as abuse, neglect, exploitation, and unexplained death. While states have different approaches for managing critical incidents; there are key elements that every state should have to better protect its citizens from harm and to reduce the state from liability.

Traumatic Brain Injury Stakeholder Day

Event Description: 

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. The Administration for Community Living is hosting Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Stakeholder Day on March 3, 2020. TBI Stakeholder Day is an opportunity for members of the TBI community to come to Washington, DC to discuss important issues around TBI services, supports, and systems and to learn from other stakeholders, brain injury survivors, family members, support networks, and state and federal representatives.

ACL is also hosting a brown bag lunch during Brain Injury Awareness Day on Capitol Hill on March 4, 2020.

Supported Decision-Making for Older Adults

Event Description: 

ADvancing States is hosting a webinar, Supported Decision-Making for Older Adults. Join us as Rebekah Diller, Clinical Professor of Law at Cardozo School of Law, and Morgan Whitlatch, Legal Director at Quality Trust, discuss supported decision-making for older adults. The panelists will go over the basics of supported decision-making and provide practical examples on how to advance its use in the lives of for older adults. Tools and tips from this webinar can help older adults in care planning.

Aging With Cerebral Palsy: Health Outcomes and Management

Event Description: 

This webinar will provide an overview of the types of secondary conditions that adults with Cerebral Palsy are most at risk for. During this webinar, participants will learn about practical steps that adults with Cerebral Palsy can take to manage their health as they age. Participants will also learn about the role of patient advocates and healthcare providers in this process.


Using Family-Centered Approaches to Promote the Best Life for Young Children with Disabilities

Event Description: 

This NCAPPS webinar will discuss how family-centered practice can be utilized to build the capacity of families of young children with developmental delays or disabilities. During the webinar, participants will learn about the benefits of this approach and hear about the perspective of families. Presenters will also discuss how they have used co-design and peer work to overcome implementation challenges with this model. 

Family Caregiving Policies and Innovations

Event Description: 

This webinar will discuss state and federal policies and initiatives to support family caregivers. The webinar is sponsored by NASHP's  RAISE Family Caregiver Resource and Dissemination Center and will provide a thorough overview of the RAISE Family Caregivers Act. During the webinar,  leaders in Tennessee and Washington will also share examples of their state's policies and innovations to support family caregivers.


  • Wendy Fox-Grage, NASHP Project Director, RAISE Family Caregiver Resource and Dissemination Center 


The Census and the Disability Community: Get Ready to Be Counted!

Event Description: 

This webinar will provide an overview of why the 2020 Census matters for the disability community. During the webinar, presenters will discuss the basics of the 2020 Census and share resources and materials for a successful Get out the Count (GOTC) effort. This webinar is sponsored by the National Disability Rights Network and The Arc.


Examining the Unavoidable Delays to EVV Implementation

Event Description: 

The vast majority of states and territories have submitted good faith exemption requests in order to delay their implementation of Electronic Visit Verification. This webinar will review the reasons states submitted to CMS. During the webinar, participants will learn about the various unavoidable delays states are encountering and hear about trends that impact multiple states. 

RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council Virtual Meeting

Event Description: 

ACL has announced the second meeting of the advisory council established by the RAISE Family Caregivers Act. The purpose of this council is to provide recommendations on effective models of family caregiving and support to family caregivers. This meeting is open to the public. Individuals have the option to attend in person in Washington, DC or join virtually. 


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