
The FUNdamentals of F/EA Forms!

Event Description: 
Applied Self-Direction has annouced their first Self-Direction Virtual Conference series, free to all attendees. The Self-Direction Virtual Conference Series will be scheduled throughout April, May, and June, with no more than two sessions a week. The first session, titled "The FUNdamentals of F/EA Forms" is scheduled for April 29, 2021. This session will provide an overview of key tax forms used in F/EA services, including when, how, and why to use certain forms. It will also review some of the most common forms mistakenly included in F/EA services. 

Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on Adults with Physical Disabilities from Marginalized Communities

Event Description: 
Join RRTC's webinar to learn about the findings from a recent study on the initial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adults with physical disabilities from marginalized communities living in southeast Michigan. Interviews with 16 adults will reveal how these individuals either had to engage in risky behavior in order to have their needs met, or avoid risks and consequently not have their needs met. The webinar will feature speakers Lisa Reber and Jodi Kreschmer from the University of Michigan and Gina DeShong from the Disability Network.

Information, Data, and Tools to Support COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance in Underserved Communities

Event Description: 
Join the American Public Health Association, the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, MDB, and The Security and Sustainability Forum for a 90-minute webinar explaining HHS tools, data, and approaches to raise vaccination rates in underserved communities. You will hear from panelists from the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response and the Office of Minority Health in the Department of Health and Human Services. 

Increasing Connectivity with the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB)

Event Description: 
Speakers Lori Gerhard, Director of Interagency Innovation at ACL and Eduard Bartholme, Associate Bureau Chief-CGB at the Federal Communications Commission, will be leading this webinar to discuss FCC's Emergency Broadband Benefit program (EBB). EBB helps households struggling to pay for internet service during the pandemic by connecting them to jobs, critical healthcare services, and virtual classrooms. The webinar will cover eligibility, how EBB works, and how to help people enroll, there will also be a brief question and answer period following the presentation.

NAMRS Data Renewal Listening Session: Public Health and Foundation Partners

Event Description: 

ACL is seeking stakeholder input on potential changes to the National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS). The purpose of NAMRS is to increase understanding of adult maltreatment as investigated by adult protective service (APS) programs. NAMRS has collected administrative and program data from APS programs across the country since 2016. ACL's 3rd listening session details are below.

NAMRS Data Renewal Listening Session: Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement issues (CJ/LE) Partners

Event Description: 
ACL is seeking stakeholder input on potential changes to the National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS). The purpose of NAMRS is to increase understanding of adult maltreatment as investigated by adult protective service (APS) programs. NAMRS has collected administrative and program data from APS programs across the country since 2016.

NAMRS Data Renewal Listening Session: Aging Partners

Event Description: 

ACL is seeking stakeholder input on potential changes to the National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS). The purpose of NAMRS is to increase understanding of adult maltreatment as investigated by adult protective service (APS) programs. NAMRS has collected administrative and program data from APS programs across the country since 2016. ACL is holding a series of listening sessions (in the form of webinars) to obtain feedback from stakeholders on potential improvements in the system. 

4th Annual Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day Symposium

Event Description: 
COVID has shined a spotlight on mental health, especially for older adults. Join a free virtual event on May 6, 2021, that will empower professionals with the latest tools to improve the lives of older adults in their communities, during COVID and beyond. The all-day symposium is sponsored by the National Council on Aging, U.S. Administration for Community Living, and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
This event will be held on May 6, 2021.


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