
Webinar: State Innovations: Oral Health Integration in Statewide Delivery System and Payment Reform

This webinar will explore the range of approaches to oral health integration that states are considering in the areas of 1) Medicaid benefit design and expansion; 2) practice-level oral health reforms; and 3) statewide delivery reform models. State policymakers, health and oral health plans, providers, advocacy organizations, and others interested in improving adult oral health care access and outcomes are encouraged to attend.  The webinar will cover creative strategies that are being tested for integrating dental care into primary care delivery.

Webinar: Trauma Informed Care: The Benefits of Clinical Integration and Organizational Buy-In

Health Management Associates (HMA) is hosting a webinar on Trauma Informed Care: The Benefits of Clinical Integration and Organizational Buy-In. Healthcare organizations are beginning to recognize the benefits of integrating Trauma Informed Care initiatives into clinical protocols and best practices. Trauma Informed Care is an approach that helps providers and staff identify and address adverse experiences in individual’s lives. The return on investment is measureable, and the costs can be minimal with the right type of training, organizational support, and leadership.

Webinar: Case Management for LTSS Accreditation Overview

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) is hosting a webinar that will provide an overview of NCQA's soon-to-be released Case Management Accreditation for Long Term Services & Supports. Long-term services and supports (LTSS) help older Americans, and those with disabilities, live happier and healthier lives, providing access to services and quality care that support independence and help people remain at home longer. As the older population (age 65+) grows, the role that LTSS plays in the health care system becomes more important.

Webinar: Progress and Challenges in California Assisted Living

Justice in Aging is hosting a webinar on the progress and challenges of assisted living in California. Though the Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE) Reform Act of 2014 made multiple improvements to California’s assisted living system, assisted living in California remains hampered by out-of-date statutory provisions and an extremely limited Medicaid waiver program. This webinar will provide aging advocates and providers with an update on California’s recent assisted living progress and a background on the state’s ongoing challenges.

Webinar: State Approaches to Providing Health-Related Supportive Services through Medicaid

The Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. (CHCS) is hosting a webinar on state approaches to providing health-related supportive services through Medicaid. State policymakers increasingly recognize that addressing the social determinants of health is a critical component for improving outcomes and reducing health care spending for Medicaid beneficiaries. Medicaid, however, typically reimburses only for direct medical care or "enabling services" that facilitate access to care, including care coordination, interpretation, and transportation.

Webinar: National Disability Voter Registration Week Organizing & Training

The REV UP Campaign is coordinating a National Disability Voter Registration Week to increase the political power of people with disabilities while also engaging candidates and the media to recognize the disability community. National Disability Voter Registration Week falls from July 11 - July 15  this year. To help prepare for National Disability Voter Registration Week, the REV UP Campaign is hosting an organizing webinar on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Webinar: Nutrition and Healthy Aging: How You Can Address Senior Malnutrition

The National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) is hosting a webinar on addressing senior malnutrition. This webinar will discuss the relationships between nutrition and healthy aging, particularly the importance of combating senior malnutrition in order to allow older adults to live healthy, independent lives. Both community providers and clinical providers will talk about the work they do to provide proper nutrition for older adults. The webinar will also detail what you can do to address this issue in your own practice, agency and/or community.

Policy Forum and Live Webinar: Barriers and Supports to Employment for State Vocational Rehabilitation Clients

Mathematica's Center for Studying Disability Policy is hosting a policy forum and live webinar on the barriers and supports to employment for state vocational rehabilitation clients. Individuals with a disability are less likely to find and keep jobs than people without disabilities are. Some people with disabilities, however, have more success with employment than their peers do.

Webinar: Provider Tax Primer: What Every Healthcare Organization Needs to Know

The American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) and Health Management Associates (HMA) are hosting a webinar on the Provider Tax Primer. The provider tax is one of the most novel - and misunderstood - strategies used by states to fund their Medicaid programs. It works like this: states tax providers, then use the same funds to reimburse providers for Medicaid services, which in turn allows the state to receive federal matching funds.


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