
COVID-19 Vaccine Webinar for Rural Communities

Event Description: 
In recognition of National Rural Health Day, CMS Office of Minority Health is hosting a COVID-19 Vaccine Webinar for Rural Communities. This webinar is intended for community partners and providers working in rural areas, and will teach attendees about federal COVID-19 resources, toolkits, and information. Attendees also will receive information on healthcare workforce mandates, healthcare coverage related to the COVID-19 vaccine, and more.

Getting Started with a Master Plan for Aging Toolkit

Event Description: 
This webinar will introduce a new toolkit which explores the value of Master Plans on Aging (MPAs), outlines their core goals, and reviews strategies to build momentum and buy-in for an MPA. The webinar will also outline eight steps that stakeholders can use to build governor and legislature support for their MPA. Presenters from California will speak about their experience implementing an MPA.
This webinar will be held Monday, November 15, 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET.

Supporting Individuals with Disabilities to Obtain Financial Literacy Skills

Event Description: 
This webinar will feature promising practices to support individuals with disabilities working without jeopardizing their access to benefits. Speakers will discuss financial literacy tools, building assets to achieve economic advancement, and utilizing key savings vehicles to prepare for the future. The webinar shares tools and practices that can used to support individuals with disabilities as they develop budgets, save for the future, pursue employment, and manage their benefits.  

2021 Symposium: Supporting Older Adults, Caregivers, and People with Disabilities Through Innovative Volunteer Models

Event Description: 
To promote and elevate awareness of the Community Care Corps initiative, and in conjunction with National Family Caregivers Month, USAging is hosting a symposium on November 16th and 17th. Speakers will share information and insights on ways to engage leaders and activate volunteers to participate in innovative models that address the needs of caregivers at the community level. Keynote presentations and panel discussions will feature grantees, researchers and other experts from the Aging Network on caregiving, volunteerism and the value and impact of non-medical assistance.

Addressing Social Isolation of Older Adults Living in Rural America

Event Description: 
This webinar will explore social engagement activities developed by Area Agencies on Aging and Title IV Native American Aging Programs. These activities are intended to keep older adults and caregivers in rural and tribal areas connected to their communities.
This webinar will be held Friday, November 19, 2021 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET.
Click here to register. 

AARP Caregiver Webinars

Event Description: 
AARP is hosting a two part webinar series. Part 1: The Signs of Caregiver Burnout discusses the importance of caring for oneself as a caregiver and gives advice and tips on how to recognize and avoid caregiver burnout. Part 2: Tips and Tools for Self-Care builds on the first webinar, focusing on specific resources and practices caregivers can use to take better care of themselves including stress management, grief management, relaxation, meditation, and more.

Abuse of AI/AN Elders and Vulnerable Adults: What LTSS Program Staff Should Know

Event Description: 
Abuse of AI/AN Elders and Vulnerable Adults: What LTSS Program Staff Should Know
This webinar will provide long-term services and supports program staff with training about abuse and exploitation among indigenous (American Indian and Alaska Native) older adults and vulnerable adults. Presenters will share information about the signs of abuse, relevant investigating agencies and how to work effectively with them, and abuse prevention tactics.

    Leveraging Partnerships to Promote Flu Vaccinations Among Dually Eligible Beneficiaries During COVID-19

    Event Description: 
    In this webinar, the Centers for Disease Control will share their efforts working with national, state, and local partners to promote flu and COVID-19 vaccination among dually eligible people. The webinar will also explore efforts to reduce disparities in vaccination access and use among dually eligible individuals who are members of racial and ethnic minority groups. Speakers from the CDC will cover promising practices that health plans and providers can use to reach and engage hard to reach and disproportionately affected communities and promote flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.

    Integrating Behavioral Health into Primary Care Through Medicaid Managed Care

    Event Description: 
    This webinar will cover how state Medicaid agencies can integrate behavioral health and primary care through managed care. Speakers will explore the benefits of integration for patients with behavioral health conditions, including mental illness and substance use disorders. Health care providers will speak to best practices, benefits, and potential challenges of primary care and behavioral health service integration.
    Featured speakers:
    • Jami Snyder, Director, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

    Assistive Technology (AT) and Home & Community-Based Services (HCBS)

    Event Description: 
    Asistive technology is a critical service among LTSS that gives people with disabilities an alternative to institutional care. This webinar will share an overview of HCBS waivers, how the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is giving states the opportunity to provide additional HCBS services and supports, and how AT Act programs are involved with their state’s HCBS waivers and other LTSS.


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