Webinar: Nursing Home Debt Collection Against Residents, Caregivers, and Other Third Parties
Long-term nursing home care is expensive. When a nursing home bill is not paid, facilities can pursue several different strategies to collect payment from residents. In some cases, nursing homes will also pursue third parties for these bills, such as family members and caregivers, despite federal law prohibiting third-party guarantees in nursing home admission agreements. This session will provide an overview of how these collection actions come about and will provide attorneys and advocates with the tools to defend these cases. The training will provide an overview of common debt collection actions nursing homes pursue when bills are unpaid; practical strategies for defending nursing home debt collection lawsuits and identifying affirmative claims; and enforcement agencies’ roles in addressing illegal nursing home debt collection practices.
- Anna Anderson, National Consumer Law Center (NCLC)
- Eric Carlson, Justice in Aging
This webinar will take place on Tuesday, July 23, 2:00 pm ET.
Click here to register.