Emergency Planning: Preparing for the Unexpected

Event Description: 
This webinar will reflect on the lessons COVID-19 has taught us about emergency planning. The focus will be specifically on how people with disabilities, families, and disability professionals can  plan for disasters. During the webinar, participants will learn strategies that they can use to prepare for different types of emergencies. 
Jill Pidcock is the Executive Director of the Arc of the Central Mountains in Colorado. Jill serves on several Boards of Directors and Committees to further her efforts to increase awareness and put plans and services into action, including Colorado Collaboration for Autism and other Neurological Disability Options (CO-CANDO) and Family Supports and Services Program for the local Community Centered Board. She is also on the Early Dispute Resolution Advisory Board and is a facilitator for Parents Encouraging Parents (PEP), two programs managed by the Colorado Department of Education.
Thursday, June 18, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:15pm EDT
The Arc
Event Type: