On October 11, 2019, ADvancing States Executive Director Martha Roherty issued a statement regarding CMS changes to Nursing Home Compare. See below for the full statement:
ADvancing States and our membership are grateful to CMS for efforts to increase transparency regarding instances of abuse, neglect, and exploitation in long-term care facilities. Recently, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing entitled “Not Forgotten: Protecting Americans From Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes” that highlighted some examples of abuse and critical incidents that have occurred across the country. There are a variety of factors that contribute to these issues, including a lack of institutional controls and proper oversight as well as the dearth of funding and legislative infrastructure for Adult Protective Services. While we recognize that the changes to Nursing Home Compare do not necessarily address regulatory and funding issues, the increased transparency will help individuals and their families make informed choices about the source of their long-term services and supports (LTSS). We hope that highlighting these issues publicly will also help continue the conversation about strengthening appropriate infrastructure to prevent and address abuse, neglect, and exploitation across the LTSS system.
Click here to open a PDF of the statement.