Earlier this week, ACL released final FY13 funding levels for all of its programs, including those administered by AoA and AIDD. These numbers reflect final year funding amounts after several cuts and transfers, including: a 0.2 percent across-the-board (ATB) reduction that was required in order to stay within the 2013 discretionary spending cap established in the Budget Control Act (BCA); the BCA's sequester of approximately 5 percent, which began on March 1 for FY13; and Secretarial transfers made across all HHS programs to fund department-wide initiatives, such as implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Relative to FY12, these reductions represent a cumulative cut of about 5.6 percent to overall OAA program funding. However, as ACL previously explained, for formula grants, the impact varies widely among states and between programs, due to the different statutory factors ACL uses to determine state allocations – such as hold harmless provisions, minimum allotments, and population.
Interim grants, totaling approximately two months of funding, were issued on May 1. ACL expects to complete final FY13 formula grant calculations by early June, at which time individual state Notices of Award will be issued. Total formula grant allocations to states are expected to be lower than the sequester estimates ACL previously released in March.
The FY13 appropriations are available on the ACL website.
ACL's March sequestration estimates can be found here.