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An Intergenerational Conversation on Ageism

The American Society on Aging is facilitating a workshop on intergenerational conversations on ageism. The workshop will include conversations on how to bring people together, how to facilitate intergenerational conversations, mistakes to avoid, how to apply the principles of facilitating intergenerational conversations about ageism, how to maintain momentum and connections beyond the initial conversation, and how to recognize your own ageist beliefs and to demonstrate non-ageist communications and behaviors with older adults. This workshop welcomes participants seeking to improve relationships between multigenerational workforces, people who work in higher education spaces who seek integrating intergenerational conversations, and people who operate programs that serve older adults. 


  • Janine Vanderburg, JD, CEO of Encore Roadmap

This workshop will take place on Wednesday, January 15 at 1:00 p.m. ET

Click here to learn more. 

American Society on Aging