No Wrong Door: Supporting Community Living for Veterans AARP Promising Practice Webinar
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is hosting a webinar to highlight promising practices for the aging and disability networks, Veterans Affairs Medical Centers, and Veterans Benefits Offices to forge partnerships and better support community living for veterans. During the webinar staff from ACL, the AARP Public Policy Institute, the VA Medical Center, a State Unit on Aging, and an Area Agency on Aging will present information about promising practices and how they can be replicated.
Speakers Include:
Joseph Lugo & Caroline Ryan - Administration for Community Living
Wendy Fox-Grage - AARP Public Policy Institute
Kali S. Thomas, PhD - Providence VA Medical Center
Missouri - Lisa Knoll - Chief Operating Officer, Mid-East Area Agency on Aging
Wendi Aultman - New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services