
Short Name: 

Trends and Adaptations for AAAs: National Survey Results and Resources

Event Description: 

Join USAging for the release of the latest National AAA Survey data, showing how Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) are adapting programs and services to meet evolving needs and challenges. Presenters will share new findings from the latest National AAA Survey, highlight trends that have emerged since the last survey in 2019, and share data on AAA involvement in social engagement programs, housing and homelessness-related services, DEI initiatives and COVID-19 partnerships and flexibilities.

Fireside Chat on Elder Justice Policy

Event Description: 

Join the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) and the Elder Justice Colation for a moderated "fireside chat" webinar discussing the current state and anticipated future of elder justice policy at the federal level. Topics will include the reauthorization of the Elder Justice Act, critical nursing home provisions, and more, followed by a Q&A session.


  • Dr. Laura Mosqueda, Director, National Center on Elder Abuse

Closing the Justice Gap for Older Adults Part 4: You Can Make a Difference—Defending Against or Terminating Guardianship

Event Description: 

The fourth installment of the "Closing the Justice Gap for Older Adults" webinar series, led by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), the National Council on Law and Elder Rights (NCLER), and the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), focuses on equipping legal aid attorneys to represent individuals who may be subject to guardianship or who are under guardianship.

Sarah Taub Memorial Webinar - NCI 2021-2022

Event Description: 

National Core Indicators (NCI) is the most comprehensive and representative source of data on the characteristics and outcomes of people with disabilities and older adults who use long-term services and supports (LTSS). In 2021-2022, NCI surveyed over 27,000 older adults and people with disabilities using long-term services and supports, as well as 27,502 family members and guardians of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities receiving state-funded services.

Nourishing Older Adults: Insights from State Units on Aging (SUAs) on Combating Malnutrition through Older Americans Act (OAA) State Plans

Event Description: 

The National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) is hosting a webinar offering insights from State Units on Aging (SUAs) about their strategies to combat malnutrition through the inclusion of malnutrition screening and actions in their State Plans on Aging. This webinar showcases SUA success stories, shares lessons learned from collaborative initiatives, and features expert perspectives on the wider implications of addressing malnutrition within the older population.

What Does the CY 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule Mean for Addressing HRSNs?

Event Description: 

The Partnership to Align Social Care is hosting a webinar discussing the implications of the CY 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule for addressing health-related social needs (HRSNs). CMS is proposing coding and payment changes for services to address health-related social needs (HRSNs) through separate payments for Community Health Integration (CHI), SDOH Risk Assessment, and Principal Illness Navigation (PIN) services.

Partnerships to Increase Housing Stability Through Assistive Technology and Home Modifications & Repairs

Event Description: 

Learn how partnerships can enhance housing stability through assistive technology, home modifications, and repairs in an upcoming webinar hosted by the Housing and Services Resource Center (HSRC). In this webinar, the significance of accessibility features in supporting stable housing will be explored, providing insights into federal programs and effective ways to foster collaboration and coordinate services. 

Participants will learn about: 

The connection between accessibility and housing stability. 

Protecting Yourself from Payment Scams in the Virtual World

Event Description: 

The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is hosting a webinar in collaboration with Zelle to educate older adults and caregivers on detecting and avoiding payment scams in an increasingly digital world. Participants will receive valuable tips to safeguard their money, identify payment scams, and explore ways to ensure the safety of older adults from such scams, with insights on how caregivers can offer assistance. 


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