
Short Name: 

Assistive Technology and Accessible Transportation

Event Description: 

This upcoming webinar, hosted by the ACL-funded AT3 Center, will explore the role of assistive technology (AT) in advancing accessible transportation for individuals with disabilities and those who are aging. Key areas of discussion will include the roles and activities of Assistive Technology Act Programs, AT for individual use and vehicle modifications, and AT/accessible transportation partnerships. Attendees will also be provided with materials and websites for accessible transportation options.

Discovering Pathways of Support: What CMS's new GUIDE Model means for dementia patients, caregivers, and providers

Event Description: 

ATI Advisory is hosting an upcoming webinar exploring the new federal program — Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) Model — that will reimburse providers managing dementia care for patients and their caregivers. This webinar will include a discussion from a panel of experts as they analyze policy changes and offer an analysis of how this program could impact the care spectrum. 


Medicare Open Enrollment Period (OEP) Bootcamp 2023 (Part 1)

Event Description: 

Join the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for a pair of webinars sharing Medicare Program updates and resources to help those who assist people with Medicare make informed decisions about their 2024 health and drug coverage.

The first webinar will discuss Medicare Plan Finder basics, updates and user tips; information about The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022, including: 2023 insulin cost and vaccine coverage reminders, 2024 impacts to the Medicare drug coverage “Catastrophic phase,” and Extra Help expansion; and Q&A.

The Rehab Act at 50 Years Part 2: Our Future - Youth and Young Adult Engagement & Involvement in Disability Advocacy

Event Description: 

An ACL jointly funded NIDILRR and AoD grantee will share key aspects of this research including efforts being made to support youth and young adults with disabilities from marginalized communities to be engaged with CILs. The panel will consist of CIL staff supporting young leaders and young leaders who will share about their experiences

The Rehab Act at 50 Years Part 1: Origins, Evolution, & Current Day

Event Description: 

A critical moment for the disability community was the passage and eventual implementation of the Rehab Act. This webinar will include key leaders who participated in the drafting of the Rehab Act to the implementation of it. Speakers will share individual stories and insights on the passage and implementation of the Act and its implementing regulations, the advocacy that helped make it happen, the law’s impact to the disability community and greater society, and lessons learned.

Making Inform USA Accreditation Possible for Aging and Disability Organizations

Event Description: 

Inform USA invites Information & Referral/Assistance professionals to attend an upcoming webinar for aging and disabilities I&R/A programs on organizational accreditation. The presentation will provide an overview of the role of Aging and Disability Resource Centers in the community and why becoming Inform USA accredited is important when working with stakeholders. The presentation will include a summary of the accreditation process and standards.

Helping Older Adults Deal with Medical Debt and Inaccurate Billing

Event Description: 

The State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) Technical Assistance Center is hosting an upcoming webinar to address the issue of inaccurate medical bills among older adults, as shown in a recent study from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This session will explore the impact of these inaccurate bills, including coercive credit reporting, and provide insights into federal consumer debt collection and credit reporting rights.

Technical Assistance (TA) Talk: An Introduction to the National Paralysis Resource Center

Event Description: 

This webinar, hosted by the National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center, offers an in-depth exploration of the comprehensive resources provided by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation National Paralysis Resource Center (NPRC). These resources are designed to empower individuals living with paralysis, as well as their families and caregivers, to live independent, healthy, and fulfilling lives.


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