
Seizing the Opportunity to Develop Dementia Programs: Successful program funding, planning, and delivery

Event Description: 

During this webinar Erin Long of the Administration for Community Living and Sari Shuman of the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center will describe the Administration on Aging/Administration for Community Living Alzheimer’s Disease Programs Initiative (ADPI) grants. The presentation will include a discussion of the ADPI program and describe the ADPI grant planning process and related expert technical assistance provided throughout the grant period. The benefits of developing dementia programs that are tailored to the needs of your specific community will be highlighted.

Referrals and Interventions for Older Adults with Food Insecurity

Event Description: 

Join ACL’s Office of Nutrition and Health Promotion Programs (ONHPP) for an upcoming webinar as part of their Food Insecurity Education Series: Referrals and Interventions for Older Adults with Food Insecurity. When older adults are experiencing food insecurity it is important to refer them to the proper services and community-based organizations. This webinar will discuss referring practices within the Older Americans Act and other organizations as well as explain “warm handoff” referral engagement.


Opening the Door: Importance of Great Person-Centered Conversations on Employment

Event Description: 

Person-centered conversations around employment can help people who use LTSS make informed decisions about their work. These conversations help individuals and their support networks learn about their options and find employment opportunities. In recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, this webinar co-hosted by NCAPPS and the State Employment Leadership Network (SELN) will highlight successful person-centered approaches and tools for discussing employment.

Involving Community Partners in Data and Policy Initiatives to Advance Health Equity

Event Description: 

This panel discussion will explore how state agencies, CBOs, and community members in Arizona, Utah, and Washington State are partnering to advance health equity through data sharing and policy reform activities. Participants will learn about opportunities to meaningfully partner with community members to promote health equity at the state and local levels.

Speakers include:

OAA Title IIID Coordinator Convening: Program Selection Process

Event Description: 

SUA Title III-D coordinators are invited to join the next virtual convening of OAA Title III-D Coordinators on October 11, 2022 for a peer discussion on best practices for selecting evidence-based programs for delivery using Title III-D funds. Participants will hear from two states who will present their processes for reviewing and approving programs not in the NCOA Pre-Approved Program Database. In addition, an online one-stop shop for OAA Title III-D resources, FAQs, etc. will be shared.


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