
Webinar on HCBS Waiver Participant Centered Service Planning and Delivery

Event Description: 

Join the Administration for Community Living for a webinar on person centered service planning and delivery. The webinar will review Appendix D, how person centered planning and service delivery in HCBS waivers can be applied and the impact taking a person centered approach can have on the quality of services received by individuals. Colorado will also present its efforts to design a more person centered approach across all of its waiver programs. 


Exploring Disability and Rehabilitation Federal Funding

Event Description: 

oin the Interagency Committee on Disability Research for a webinar exploring federal funding tools for disability and rehabilitation. The webinar will conclude with a 15-minute Q&A session with speakers. 


  • Theresa Hayes Cruz, National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research 
  • Daofen Chen, National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke 


Webinar on Ticket to Work Program for Job Seekers with Disabilities

Event Description: 

Join the Disability Employment Technical Assistance Center (DETAC) for a webinar about how centers for independent living (CIL)’s and their programs serve ticket holders in the Ticket to Work Program. The webinar will cover the structure of the ticket to work program, how involvement can lead to diversified funding for CILs and how the program can help people with disabilities find employment in the community. 


New CMS Guidance on Addressing Social Needs Through Medicaid: Implications for States, Managed Care, and Health Systems

Event Description: 

Join the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) and HealthBegins for a webinar that will explore the new guidance from CMS to help states address health-related social needs for their Medicaid enrollees. The webinar will explore the guidance, what it means for state Medicaid agencies, managed care organizations, and tools to navigate challenges that come with new funding mechanisms. 


Putting MIPPA to Work: Tools to Help Connect Clients to Benefits

Event Description: 

Join the National I&R support center for this webinar, and gain valuable insights on benefits programs designed to help low income Medicare beneficiaries afford their prescription drugs. The webinar will cover Medicare Savings Programs (MSP) and Low Income Subsidies (LIS). Additionally, speakers from the National Council on Aging (NCOA) and ADvancing States will share information and tools from their respective organizations that can help I&R professionals build their MIPPA knowledge and provide better outreach to their communities.


Call for Sessions Deadline: 40th Annual Texas Adult Protective Services (APS) Conference

Event Description: 

Texas Adult Protective Services (APS) is now accepting proposals for their 2023 conference. The conference will be October 10 to October 13, 2023 in Austin, Texas. The theme of this years' conference is unsung heroes and the valuable partnerships they create when serving vulnerable clients.

Click here to submit a proposal or learn more.

Using NCAPPS Resources to Support Compliance with the HCBS Final Rule Requirements for Person-Centered Planning

Event Description: 
During the webinar, NCAPPS and national partners will provided an overview of key NCAPPS resources and discuss how they can assist human services agencies in meeting and surpassing the Home and Community-Based Services Final Rule requirements for person-centered planning which came into effect in 2014. Speakers:
  • D. Pearl Barnett, ADvancing States
  • Kate Brady, Human Services Research Institute
  • Saska Rajcevic, Human Services Research Institute

DirectCourse Demonstration and Online Training on HCBS

Event Description: 

Join Olivia Sullivan with Elsevier for an overview and demonstration of DirectCourse, which is a 6-curricula, nationally-accredited online training portfolio for state-systems and providers to develop a person-centered, outcomes-driven workforce across HCBS sectors. 

This session will be held on Monday, February 6, 2023 from 1:00 p.m. ET to 2:00 p.m. ET.


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