
Certification for I&R/A Specialists in Aging/Disabilities (CRS-A/D) Webinar Training

Event Description: 

The National Information and Referral Support Center invites aging and disability professionals to join us for a webinar-based training for Information and Referral/Assistance (I&R/A) specialists in aging and disabilities. This training will provide an overview of key competencies needed for aging and disability I&R/A professionals and will provide preparation for the AIRS Certification exam for Community Resource Specialists in Aging/Disabilities (CRS-A/D).

Finding the Balance: Person-Centered Supports that Honor Both Safety and Dignity of Risk

Event Description: 

This NCAPPS webinar will explore the role of support providers as they balance the individual's choice with "duty of care". The webinar will discuss the importance of the 'dignity of risk' from the perspective of individuals with disabilities and will review how support providers can assist in managing risks associated with certain decisions.

Elder Justice Coordinating Council Meeting

Event Description: 

The Elder Justice Coordinating Council (EJCC) coordinates activities related to elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation across the federal government. Council members include the leaders of federal departments, agencies, and entities administering programs related to abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation. EJCC has announced that they will hold an upcoming meeting on Tuesday, December 3 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ET

Legal Basics: Older Americans Act Services and the HCBS Network

Event Description: 
This Legal Basics webinar provides an introduction to the Older Americans Act (OAA). During the webinar, participants will learn about the OAA’s history and the various aging network services supported by the law, which include caregiver support, long-term care ombudsman assistance, and services to prevent the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of older adults. This webinar will also highlight the collaboration between OAA legal services and the home and community-based services network.

Long-Term Care: Where Are We and What’s Next?

Event Description: 

The Alliance for Health Policy is partnering with the National Institute of Health Care Management (NIHCM) for this webinar about the long-term care system. During the webinar, a panel of experts including ADvancing States Deputy Executive Director Camille Dobson will provide an overview of the current landscape of the long-term care delivery system. Panelists will review current funding mechanisms and relevant legislation. They will also discuss potential solutions to address future challenges.


The Invisible Health Care Provider: Family Caregivers of Individuals with Dementia

Event Description: 

This webinar is part of the National Coalition on Mental Health and Aging Webinar Series and will focus on dementia-related services and supports. During the webinar, participants will learn about the types of dementia-related programs that are available and the approaches that have been successful. Participants will also learn about the importance of building partnerships between health care professionals and family caregivers.

Presenter: Stephanie Hughes, M.P.P., Public Health Researcher, RTI International

The Power of Social Connection: Memory Cafés and Tête-à-Tête

Event Description: 

This webinar will introduce the memory café model and discuss key features of a successful network. Presenters will review real-life examples, including how this model works in Florida and Massachusetts. The webinar will also emphasize the importance of a culturally responsive and linguistically appropriate memory café model  in reaching minority individuals living with dementia.



Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program Technical Assistance Opportunities

Event Description: 
The Medicaid IAP’s Community Integration through Long-Term Services and Supports (CI-LTSS) Program Area is launching a seven-month technical assistance opportunity for Medicaid agencies and their team partners seeking to design Value-Based Payment (VBP) strategies for Fee-for-Services (FFS) in Home and Community-based Services (HCBS). This technical support opportunity is open to states at all levels of experience and progress in developing a VBP strategy for FFS in HCBS. 

Advanced Training on Medicare Part B

Event Description: 

This webinar is focused on navigating the benefits covered under Medicare Part B and understanding the basics of accessing these benefits. This webcast will look at three areas that can often cause confusion: Advance Beneficiary Notice, Part B Drugs, and Durable Medical Equipment. Note: this is an advanced training and assumes participants have a general understanding of Medicare benefits.

Presenter: Georgia Burke, Directing Attorney, Justice in Aging


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