
Meeting the Health and Social Needs of LGBTQ+ Older Adults Through Medicaid in California and Nationally

Event Description: 

The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) is hosting a webinar in partnership with the California Health Care Foundation, focusing on addressing the healthcare and social needs of LGBTQ+ older adults. This webinar will highlight the unique challenges faced by this population and discuss opportunities within California's Medicaid transformation effort, CalAIM, to improve care and service delivery.

Supported Decision Making and Individuals with Disabilities

Event Description: 

Join the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA) for a webinar titled, “Supported Decision Making an Individuals with Disabilities.” Supported Decision Making (SDM) encourages people with disabilities to increase their independence and make their own decisions to the best extent that they can. SDM also sets up a system where people with disabilities can appoint someone to help them make these decisions. This webinar will focus on defining key SDM definitions, along with outlining the current status of SDM and some of the issues it faces.

Get Ready for National Senior Center Month 2023: Discover Yours

Event Description: 

September is National Senior Center Month and this year’s theme is "Discover Yours" which invites exploration, self-discovery, and individuality. This July 13 webinar will highlight tools and tips to help senior centers get the most out of National Senior Center Month 2023. The webinar will highlight ideas and tools, including a publicity guide and program guide.


The Three Legs of the Stool: A Framework for Person-Centered Community Mental Health Services That Do No Harm

Event Description: 

The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS) is organizing a webinar that highlights an innovative framework developed by the Ashland County, Ohio Mental Health and Recovery Board. This framework revolves around the three key values outlined in the Hippocratic Oath: Recovery and Resiliency, Trauma-Informed Care, and Medication Optimization. Panelists, including community mental health service leaders and individuals with lived experience, will share their insights on the successful implementation of these principles.

Reducing Sodium in Senior Meals: Tips and Tricks

Event Description: 

The National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) is hosting an educational webinar to discuss effective strategies for reducing sodium in older adults’ meals. This webinar brings together a panel of experts, including a Chef, a Foodservice Provider specializing in low-sodium meals, and a Senior Meal Program experienced in preparing nutritious low-sodium meals for older adults. Participants will gain practical insights, recommendations, and access to resources to support the creation of healthy and low-sodium meals tailored to the dietary needs of older adults.

Dive into Health Care Delivery Trends with the Compendium of U.S. Health Systems

Event Description: 

Join Mathematica for an informational webinar discussing the recently released 2020 and 2021 data from the Compendium of U.S. Health Systems, developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). This publicly available national database offers a comprehensive collection of information on more than 600 U.S. health systems, their affiliated hospitals, and group practices.

False Claims Act 2023: What Every Health Care Entity Working with the Government Needs to Know

Event Description: 

Join Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP for an informative webinar that provides updates on key trends and developments regarding the False Claims Act (FCA) and its implications for health care entities working with the government. The session covers important topics such as the Department of Justice's FCA report for fiscal year 2022, significant Supreme Court cases affecting health care organizations, and guidance on best practices for navigating the current enforcement landscape. 


Policy Opportunities to Increase the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Resource Limit

Event Description: 

Justice in Aging is organizing a webinar to discuss policy opportunities that could increase the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) resource limit. This webinar is designed to provide in-depth insights into the challenges posed by the current SSI resource limit, which has remained unchanged for over 30 years. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex rules and strict resource limits that impact SSI eligibility, where even a minimal amount above the limit can result in benefit ineligibility, suspension, or termination.


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