
Short Name: 

Benefits for Same-Sex Couples Post-DOMA

The Supreme Court's historic ruling striking down Section 3 of the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), was an enormous victory for same-sex couples and their families, and affirms that they deserve equal treatment under the law. NCOA's Center for Benefits Access is holding a webinar on December 4, 2:00-3:00 p.m. EST to help participants understand the impact of the U.S.

Is Your AAA Ready to Compete?

Our AAA environment is experiencing radical change and it's happening fast! Is your AAA struggling with organizational culture issues as you try to respond to these changes? Do your staff and/or board members want to hold onto the past? Do you need assistance with learning how to "price" your services?

In this intensive and interactive seminar, participants will learn practical ways to begin shifting AAA culture, position your agency to compete, adapt to the new pay-for-performance marketplace and develop a business model.

Consumer Voice Conference

Join the Consumer Voice in the Washington, DC region for a truly one-of-a-kind experience that will include the best speakers in the field, many opportunities to network with your colleagues and time to interact directly with long-term care consumers.

At the 2013 Conference, you will:

2013 Walking Summit

Join the movement about movement!

If you:

  • Think walking can save the world (or at least make us healthier, and our communities more vibrant),
  • Believe safe, accessible, walking environments are good for communities,
  • Care about making change and are interested in the first America Walks: Walk the Hill Day (separate event registration on 10/3), or
  • Want to connect and learn with the foremost leaders in the walking movement

...then register to attend the 2013 Walking Summit, October 1–3 in Washington, DC!

Is your Area Agency on Aging ready to compete?

Event Description: 

Moving from Area Plans, Advocacy and Allocations to Strategic Planning, Positioning and Pricing


Miami University Voice of America Campus

7847 VOA Park Drive, West Chester OH 45069

Our AAA environment is experiencing radical change and it's happening fast! Is your AAA struggling with organizational culture issues as you try to respond to these changes? Do your staff and/or board members want to hold onto the past? Do you need assistance with learning how to "price" your services?


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