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2014 Annual Conference on Independent Living

Join the 2014 Annual Conference on Independent Living. Attendees will come together to remind legislators of the Independent Living Program's significant successes and the impressive return on investments. Examples of workshop sessions include: Resource Development Track, Basic Fundraising Tools Anyone Can Use, Transit and Disability Rights Advocates: Stronger Together, The Impact of the Disability Community on Elections and Administration on Community Living - Aging & Disability.

Preventing and Addressing Elder Financial Exploitation: Tips and Tools from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The webinar will address the growing problem of elder financial exploitation. The webinar will also cover the CFPB's consumer complaint process; the Managing Someone Else's money guides for financial caregivers; the Money Smart for Older Adults awareness program; and other resources to help participants and their communities.

Reducing Hospital Readmissions through Collaboration with Community Partners

The program will discuss how Partnership for Patients (PfP) and other federal stakeholders, including Hospital Engagement Networks (HENs), Community-based Care Transitions Programs (CCTPs), Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs), and the Administration for Community Living (ACL), are aligned in their aims and how collaboration with local community partners have helped hospitals produce impressive reductions in 30-day readmissions through more effective care transition models.

5th Annual C. Colburn Hardy Older Advocate Award

The purpose of the C. Colburn Hardy Older Advocate Award is to recognize volunteer leadership in programs for older Americans, with an emphasis on statewide advocacy for older persons. The award has been given annually to a year round Florida resident who has consistently made significant contributions to policies or programs and services for older Americans in the State of Florida.

Nursing Home Admissions Agreements: A Discussion of the Unfair Terms in the Agreements Presented to Elders on Entering a Nursing Home

The webinar will focus on nursing home admissions agreements, identifying the terms that elders and their advocates should be most wary of and explaining the protections that some states afford against enforcement of some of these terms. The webinar will also focus on arbitration clauses, attempts to hold family members liable for a resident's bills, purported waivers of a facility's liability, and improper grounds for eviction.


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