
Short Name: 

Ethical Decision Making for Working with Older Adults

Event Description: 

In this webinar ASA addresses the complexities of working as a professional in the aging services sector. The webinar will cover ethical principles that can guide professionals when making hard decisions that can come with working with older adults. Learn how to advocate for older adults, report issues to the proper authorities when necessary, how to navigate complex family dynamics, accommodating end of life wishes and more.

This session will be held on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 from 1:00 p.m. ET to 2:00 p.m. ET.

An Introduction to Microaggressions: What Are They, Why Do They Matter for Medicare Services, and How to Avoid and Respond to Them

Event Description: 

The State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) Technical Assistance Center is offering a webinar examining microagressions. It is geared toward SHIP and Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) programs, but anyone interested in the topic is welcome to attend. During this webinar, the presenter will define microaggressions, provide examples of biased and microaggressive behaviors, and give insight into how individuals can respond to microaggressions when they are receivers/witnesses or when they engage in microaggressive behaviors.

Pursuing a Secure Economic Future for Youth with Disabilities—Lessons from PROMISE

Event Description: 

Join Mathematica for a webinar to discuss efforts that can improve the lives of youth with disabilities. Promoting Readiness of Minors in Supplemental Security Income (PROMISE) attempts to improve the lives of youth with disabilities as they face the threat of a lifetime of economic insecurity. The demonstration, funded by federal agencies, consists of six programs across eleven states and strives to improve the lives of individuals receiving SSI benefits.

The Road to Accountability: Promising Practices to Foster Meaningful Health System and Community Partnerships

Event Description: 

This webinar will explore best practices for achieving engagement and trust between safety-net health systems and communities. The session will include a panel discussion with representatives from health systems and community-based organizations who will share their experiences developing community-driven and accountable health systems.

This webinar will be held on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. ET.

Advocating for Formerly Incarcerated Older Adults

Event Description: 

Older adults reentering communities after incarceration face significant barriers to reintegrating. In particular, older adults of color are disproportionately represented in the reentry population and are at risk of being unable to access important health and economic security programs. This training session will explore the issues that older adults face in accessing public benefits, health care, and housing after incarceration as well as discuss strategies for advocating on their behalf.

This training session will address:

"Grand Rounds" Webinar on Remote Implementation

Event Description: 

NCOA's Center for Healthy Aging will be hosting a workgroup call to educate participants about how ACL grantees are offering evidence-based programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. ‘Grand rounds’ webinars are held each month to provide an ACL grantee the opportunity to share how they are delivering evidence-based programs in a remote environment, successes of their work, and lessons learned.

This webinar will be held on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 pm. ET.

Reducing the cost of care for state agencies and MCOs

Event Description: 

This webinar will discuss how Reading Hospital in Pennsylvania was able to mobilize a consortium of clinical and community-based organizations in the region to improve food access. Join this webinar to learn how your state agency or health plan can make a stronger case for the cost savings of addressing social determinants of health (SDoH). Participants will learn how to: 

Planning to Action: Highlights from LGBTQ+ Inclusive Area Agencies on Aging

Event Description: 

SAGE is hosting a webinar on LGBTQ+ inclusive Area Agencies on Aging. Webinar participants will hear a panel on LGBTQ+ aging, successful planning strategies, and steps that AAAs can take to create welcoming and inclusive aging services. The webinar will feature speakers from ACL, AgeOptions, Aging Ahead, Centralina AAA, Pike Peak Area Council of Governments, and Sage.

The deadline for submissions is TuesdayJanuary 17, 2023 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. ET.


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