Webinar: Person-and-Family-Centered Best Practices in No Wrong Door Systems
Join ACL for a webinar to learn how organizations within a state’s No Wrong Door (NWD) System have used person-and-family-centered practices to transform access to LTSS.
This webinar will feature Virginia and Wisconsin’s successes and best practices in implementing person-centeredness, which has accelerated change in their state NWD Systems. State agencies, policymakers, and advocates will learn about the value of improving access to care through streamlined partnerships, technology, and resources that put the focus on the needs of people and their families. Toolkits and resources will be shared, including a checklist that provides a roadmap for operating key LTSS organizations in a more person-and-family-centered way.
This webinar will be held on Wednesday, April 26 at 2:00 p.m. ET.